When the tears
try to introduce themselves
just smile.
Even if it's just for a little while.
When you start to feel
loneliness drape your arms
just smile
and now things will eventually be okay.
When all your eyes
see is images of him.
Smile and don't remember anything
but the good times shared.
When you start to think
that you'll forever be alone.
Just smile and know there's
always something better awaiting you.
When you see yourself starting
to settle & your heart is in dismay,
Just smile and tell him goodbye
finding the courage to walk away.
When you see a friend
lean on their shoulder for support.
Just smile and be grateful they
will always be there to get you through
a painful heartbreak.
Smiling rids you of the pain
if only temporary.
Like a band aid
covering a large wound.
Eventually the smile becomes real
and no longer a disguise,
to cover the pain.
It becomes real once you
feel whole again.
Just smile in painful
and happy times.
It makes you stronger
& makes you realize the one is really
out there somewhere.