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Love Manifest

By: Lady Cinderella

If I say'eth and you hear'eth,
Then thou receiv'eth my word.
But words are just words,
And my lips mere tools to utter them.
But when I speak to you, believe that I speak of love.
For love is my mind's obsession when I think thoughts of you.

And If I scream,
Do not be fooled by my lips,
For that sound was my heart saying your name.
But if I weep seek to comfort me, for I am surely in pain.

If I cannot find words to profess my love,
Believe that it is there.
For with every touch, every breath,
I profess my love for you.

And if you love me, just utter my name.
And I shall hear
For a name whispered in love, is as loud as a curse screamed in hate.
But if uttering does not fulfill your heart,
Reach to touch me with your lips,
And seal this covenant with a kiss.