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Love Sick

By: unknown poet

A man sits at the sill with love in his sight
The moon lights the room as he stares to the sky
Gazing at the stars though it’s not the stars in his eye
So many thoughts lingered since he had last seen her face
The beauty, the perfection, the unconditional grace
“I’ve been blessed” he concluded looking back at the sky
For what more could he ask, for his heart was alive!
But sitting at his window, lost in his thought
He had now caused a sickness, a love that he’d caught
With a heart that was hurt, he promised “Never Again”
But with love at first sight, he had let her right in
How could he not? For he had loved her so long
His dream coming true, the same dream all along
All coming true, these thoughts in his head
All the dreams he had dreamt from the warmth in his bed.