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Lover's Dance

By: ANicePoet

Isn't it magnificent when the music sounds like the harps of angels to you

When two people meld into one as you stand face to face, like lovers do

Your whispers melt one body into another until you are pressed very close

Time stands still as you acquiesce to your love, their desire actually shows

You feel every movement, every "rising", every ounce of heat that excites

You welcome all the feelings the passion brings, every single one it invites

You come together until you believe you are one, a merged entity created

You float not to the music that surrounds you, but your own, you're elated

This is the Lover's dance, the ultimate expression of adoration and delight

A cornucopia of pleasant feelings, a bounty of smiles, with no end in sight

There's no higher power on this Earth than the love two people can share

It is the ultimate expression, the zenith of being, the very definition of care