My Christmas Wish
for this year came true
A Love so Amazing
it just had to be You
My New Year’s resolution
is certainly a covenant
Never again apart
for together we are meant
I pray for our future
so happy we’ll be
Forever and ever in love
just us, you and me
Your commitment to me
convinced I am now
Patiently I will wait
return to me some how
Seperated by miles
we are together in heart
Though we can’t touch each other
we’re never apart
My essence is united
with your spirit as one
The skies split in veneration
we journey beyond the sun
All time and space
will stop for a pause
United by God
for He is our Cause
So this respite you’re on
may it bring strength and peace
I want for our new life
a happy and ecstatic lease
Take my love in your heart
hear it beat so strong
Remember my whispers
it won’t be long
And finally what joy
when we get to unite
And gaze in wonder
at our love’s preeminent light