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Natural Love

Far off away I am walking
to a pool as smooth as glass
I close my eyes and breathe it in
The smell of fresh cut grass

On the other side of the pool
The reflection of shrub and trees
birds swooping and circling over head
Beautiful sounds of chirping and bees

Standing, staring into the pool
Where willow touched the surface
I see the beginning of small ripples
Lil ducks are swimming with purpose

Gentle breezes bring a wondrous smell
of wildflowers pretty and sweet
Behind me I hear a horse’s bray
and I know my love and I will meet

I turn just as a horse trots up
My love atop his mare
Reaching down to take my hand
And lift me to him with love and care

He pulls me close, arms circle round
Holding safely and secure
The world around up stopping
Our surroundings are now but a blur

Nature dulls and can’t compare
When loves sweet presence is felt
Circled in my lover’s arms
All of my senses seem to melt