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On The Road To Paradise

By: Rick

I've taken many paths in my life, some were calm and clear
Others were treacherous and had many dangerous always near
I'm now on a road so wonderful I can barely believe my luck
For you are at the end of it and I'm completely star struck

There are no stones to bruise my feet on this lovers lane
The surface is smooth and I can tread on it without pain
Along the sides are the prettiest flowers lined up in a row
They stretch all the way to your heart, where I want to go

The loveliest songbirds fly overhead warbling their praise
The sun is brilliantly bright and gives off constant rays
There are no clouds in the deep blue sky as I walk along
My steps are light and carefree as my heart sings a song

I'm on the road to paradise and couldn't be any happier
My emotions are out in the open, the days are now a blur
They go by so quickly because my mind is ever on you hon
My thoughts abound with loving images until each day is done

This street stretches so very far but I don't worry or fret
I know someday I'll reach its end and see you my sweet pet
I'll forever stay on the trail that leads to your embrace
Someday to look into your eyes and touch your gorgeous face