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Your Soul's Decision

By: Astemus Draight

It is rare to come upon someone that,
When you meet, you feel like you already know.
The bond you feel to them is strange at first.
Your heart and mind reject the very idea.
As time goes by, you come to realize
That this person is something special.
You feel their presence when they're away.
The feeling you get when you talk drives you.
Every moment apart is spent wishing you weren't.
You call for her, from the depths of your heart.
She speaks to you, and even when she is silent,
It's from her eyes that you can hear her.
You can feel it when her hand touches you
And you sense your body turn to gold.
When you talk to her, and you talk for hours,
You find yourself just stopping to close your eyes
And revell in how happy she makes you.
Your bond is so great, so deeply rooted,
You find it outshining anything else in your life.
The feeling is so right, that is blows away doubt.
The romance builds, melting your hearts into one.
But you fear the risk that you are taking,
Benefits outweigh the consequnces, still you wait.
You hold onto your feeling, and let time decide.
After all, time leads happiness to the patient.
And you know that time is on your side...