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Strive For The Authentic

By: A Nice Poet

It's easy to be disillusioned when searching for a mate if you're not realistic
There simply are no perfect people to be found, so strive for the authentic
You may have some idea of what your intended looks like, but that's dumb
They may have those physical attributes you want but still leave you numb
If looks are the only thing that attracts you then you are shallow and naive
Act like that and you'll get what you deserve, nothing, you'd better believe
You simply must take the time to learn about the inner person, that's a fact
What good is sculped body owned by someone without brains and tact
Sexy does not emanate from a washboard stomach or augmented breasts
It comes from a fertile mind with an imagination that soars with sharp crests
Don't open your eyes, close them for a change, then you will see the truth
Your mind's eye and your heart will lead you on a path you will not forsooth