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That Kind Of Love

By: A Nice Poet

Jealousy is one of the most disgusting and needless of all human emotions
People who use it as an excuse for abhorrent behavior utilize lying notions
They purport to love their victims but treat them as objects to be controlled
That kind of love isn't love at all, it's instability that's wrapped up and rolled
Keeping the one you adore solely for yourself is insecurity on a large scale
If you're that afraid they'll leave you for another then you love is just a tale
If you truly loved them, you would allow them to spread their wings and fly
Set the one you love free, and it it's real, they'll return, why not give it a try
If you check up on them regularly, or monitor their actions, then you've lost
Once that trust has gone, it will never come back, and that's a terrible cost
Jealous people arepitiful entities who never learned how to love and trust
Their lives will forever be lonely, because they don't realize belief is a must