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The Seeds of Love

By: ANicePoet

I want to make love to you this night
with a tenderness you've never known
When we are done you will know exactly
where the seeds of love are sewn
I'd venture to guess nobody has ever
made love to you as I am about to do When we're finished you'll be very satisfied,
and may cry a happy tear or two
I'm not the World's greatest lover,
but I'm sure no one will try harder than me
I will give you my undivided attention before,
during and after, don't you see
My excitement will feed off yours,
my passions always burn hotter than coal
My pleasure will be derived from yours,
satiating your desires will be my goal
Your every wish will be my command,
your every need will be met, and more
It will be as if this is your first sexual experience,
a wonderful night is in store
Come to me now and get ready
for an evening you are never going to forget
I am going to envelop you with a gentleness
and intimacy you will not regret