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Those Eyes of Yours

By: Leyla

Two flickering candles in a room of total obscurity
Penetrating and captivating the very essence of my soul.
As they dance the dance of true contentment
And beckon my being to succumb to the fight,
I find those eyes of yours so alluring
They are so much more than just the organs of sight.

For when you stare or merely glance a look
I see the devilish intentions they hide.
That hazel fire that burns deep within
And the passion with which it can ignite,
I find those eyes of yours so seductive
They reflect my life with a newfound light.

I feel the pain like a knife through my heart
Whenever they shed a tear.
The sorrow that lies in the centre of those orbs
And the compassion with which you view all life,
I find those eyes of yours so empathetic
I know I can live with feeling no strife.

When they light with a glow that proves your happiness
My spirit flies on a wing of white feathers.
My soul dances to the rhythm of your eyes
And through their intense stares I feel your bliss,
I find those eyes of yours so elated
As we pull away from the sacred kiss.

I’d hate to look into your eyes and see an ounce of pain
Or find a secret well hidden away, revealing some dark entity.
But I know that your eyes and all they hold
Are so sanctified and so pure,
I find those eyes of yours so amazing
They will forever be my only cure.