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To My Everything

By: Tony Gonzalez

I'm speaking to you from the heart.
I know it's hard for you to understand
Because I may not show it,
But I really mean it deep down inside.
I cannot express how I feel verbally.
That is just the way I am,
But I can say this from the bottom of my heart
That to me, you define the word "love"
Your are the reason of my existence,
You are my guiding light,
You are my every thing.
I can't stop thinking about you
Every second that passes me by.
I see that beautiful face,
Those charming eyes,
That pretty smile of yours,
Every night in my sleep.
I could feel your soft hands caressing my face
Your sweet, juicy lips gently kissing me.
That smell of yours that just slowly takes over me
And I dream of you and me together forever.
When I wake up,
I realize you are not here with me
To share that special moment
Which makes me think,
When will I see you again?
It seems like eternity
Every second that I am not with you,
But I know that moment will come soon
For that is why I wait.