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Why I Need You

By: A Nice Poet

There are countless different reasons why I need you, and here are a few
Having you by my side has made me a better person, simple but quite true
Knowing you are in my life gives me strength and makes me feel complete
Loving thoughts of you permeate my dats because you are so very sweet
After a long, hard day your loving embrace lets me know everything is well
A little time spent wrapped in your arms rescues me from every type of hell
I definetly love the fact that you share an unquenchable desire for kissing
I feel sorry for those who don't like it, they don't know what they're missing
Our passions run deep, we make love all the time, even when we're apart
Some don't understand what that means, but you and I have from the start
You make me feel like a real man, and I love being your partner and friend
I am honored to be the one you share your life with, from now until the end