My Hate Page
What Teams I Hate =)
Ok now the thing I hate the most is when people are drivin' down the road and they have their turn singal on for like ever and you don't know if they are gonna turn or not or how about when you come up behind someone and they are goin' slow and when you slow down they speed up or you go to pass them and they turn on their turn singal like really quick and you have to stop like quick so you don't hit them. The second thing I hate is when semi's think they rule the roads and everything and when you go to pass them they decide to speed up so you can't pass them or when they are passin' each other and they take their time passin' each other even tho they know you are behind them and they just slow down to make you mad and when they pull out in front of you who do they think they are oh that just makes me mad.
Okay now what I hate about people judgin' people...why does everyone have to be racist and stuff I mean nothin' is wrong with bein' friends with black people why call them the "N" word and stuff and why do black people have to call us "WHITE TRASH" and stuff there is no need for all of this why can't everyone get along oh I guess if everyone got along it wouldn't be life would it oh I forgot. And what I don't understand is why guys have to make fun of girls if they are overweight or not their type why can't you just be friends with them I mean it won't hurt ya to be friends with someone cause what is on the inside is what counts not the outside.
I also hate it when people have to stalk and harrass other people I really hate that I mean ya know that is just very stupid whoever does this stuff should be shot or somethin' how would that person like it if they was bein' stalked and was bein' threatened to be killed and stuff or bein' harrassed that person wouldn't like it....SO WHOEVER IS THINKIN' ABOUT DOIN' THIS/OR IF YOU ARE DOIN' THIS PUT YOURSELF IN THE OTHER PERSON'S SHOES AND THINK WOULD I LIKE IT IF THEY WAS DOIN' THIS TO ME--PROBABLY NOT--SO WHY DO IT TO THEM??? THINK ABOUT IT PEOPLE MY GOD IT IS SO STUPID
Oh and I also hate it when people think they are better than others and stuff and when you tell people to leave you alone or somethin' and say you don't like them and they still ask you why we can't be friends get the hint---geez if someone doesn't like you they won't talk to you and if they don't like you it's probably because you did somethin' really stupid to them....Ok enought of my complainin' fer right now