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c l i q u e s

i have a few split personalities fey i'm only happy when it rains i support Hanson Author Rights normal? i am a goddess i miss Kurt Hecate Clowns...AHH! normal? *I*Love*Monkeys* stoopid. ~*Porn Star*~ Night Person Raspberry Swirl Girl I want to be a Rock Star I can be cruel sleep? what's that? i'm inspired by tori I think that Daria's really cool I dress this way to bother you i'm a faerie chick Peeps Rule! I Love the Moon I Love Rain Storms Wednesday's Child I am not your property Poe I Like Ike! I'm An Optimist! I'm a Pessimist! Rainbow Girl i hate plastic grrrls. Love is like a red, red rose... I have my own mind, let me use it.

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