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every you and every me
"but it's calm under the waves,
in the blue of my oblivion"

''s Rebecca. also known as Becky, Becka, and various other silly nicknames.
i'm a sophomore in high school and i'm 15 years old. my birthday is October 10th, 1984 so i'm pretty young for my grade. it used to bother me, but it doesn't so much anymore.
my sun sign is Libra and i'm damn proud of it. my moon sign is Aries, which explains my need to have a good verbal fight now and then, and i have a Pisces rising, which explains my added talent for the arts (that i am so grateful for) and why i'm one of the more quieter Libras.
i'm about 5'2" and around 90 lbs. with very long brown hair and large brown eyes (i have piks...the link is at the bottom of this page). i'm slim but not unhealthily so (i think). people tell me that i'm pretty. sometimes i wish that i wasn't 'cause i tend to intimidate others. i tried out modeling classes once and i hated it...what a waste of 700 bucks. i dress how i want to and i don't like to "blend in". my skewl is full of preps so it isn't too hard NOT to blend in.
i have a Scorpio sister named Rose (or Rosie, as i still call her). she was adopted from Korea before i was born. she's a junior in my high school now. and i have two Taurus brothers who are non-identical twins named Lucas and David. they are in the 8th grade in the middle school. their piks can be found in the "friends" section of this website, as can Rosie's. as well as my best friends' piks...offline and online.
i don't have a boyfriend...none of 'em last more than 2 months LoL. okay that was stupid. i've had about 3 boyfriends. i like tall, lanky guys usually. i think that i have high standards *shrug* ...and just so that i'm honest, i'm considering bisexuality. don't freak out, all you homophobics. especially the people who know me. ;oÞ
i love the arts. such as playing music and doing art. i've been playing the violin for skewl since about 4th or 5th's fun, but i don't like practicing at home (i'm not THAT devoted). i play the piano, although i'm not really good at it. and i've been doing a little guitar since my sister has one now. i also love art...painting, drawing, etc. as well as looking at it in galleries and such (some of my drawings are in the "artwork" section in this website. and just so you know, if you take one without asking, you're so screwed). and i love to write, even though i don't get to do it all that often (same with art). i have many story ideas, but i just can't get them down on paper. perhaps i'll get to writing them all down soon and you'll see.
i'm not too into sports. i used to play soccer for a few years, and i did gymnastics and ballet way before that. i like unorganized stuff now. walking, boogie boarding, silly volleyball (Amber's house hehe), i'm pretty much hating P.E. aka gym right now. it's required for all sophomores. but then we don't ever have to take it again as long as we pass the class. at least it's every other day (alternating with health class).
some of the eclectic music bands and singers that i adore are: Tori Amos, Alanis Morissette, Hanson, the Moffatts, the Murmurs, Placebo, Fiona Apple, Poe, silverchair, Garbage, Nirvana, NiN, Marilyn Manson, Bush, Natalie Imbruglia, Sarah McLachlan, Hole, Janis Joplin, Joni Mitchell, and many many others. plus i love oldies and 80's songs. i've been to two Hanson concerts, one Chumbawamba (don't ask), one Placebo, one Tori Amos/Alanis Morisette, and a free radio thing with a bunch of groups including the Moffatts.
i practice Wicca. don't ask me what Wicca is or even what witchcraft is...get a fucking dictionary and look it up or buy a book about it. i've been studying the craft for about 2 years or so. i consider myself a witch and i'm pretty open about it. no, i don't wear black every day, even though i think that i'm partially "goth".
i am...: a girly grrl. a pixie fairy. an individual. a weirdo. a witch. a baby goth. a music freak. NOT a teenybopper. a Libra. a kitty kat lover. a writer. an artist. a musician. an internet addict. obsessed with vampires. a roleplayer. both an introvert and an extrovert. self-conscious. a Hanson whore (bwaha). a goddess. a good speller. a pretty dreamer. a grungy butterfly. a schizophrenic butterfly. easily taken advantage of. sick of poseurs. amused easily. bored very very easily (this is also a problem with relationships). a deer or a kitty kat. an anime lover (like Sailor Moon, Pokemon, etc). a hypocrite. straightforward/honest. obsessed with candles and such. interested in astrology. fucked up. somewhere over that goddamn rainbow.

i did a survey thing for the website that i share with Kendall. check it out.
and just clik that "friends forever" half-heart below to visit Kendall's kickass website.

and email me if you could possibly wanna know even more about me.

and by the way...
i am a goddess

l o v e s / y u c k s
p i k a t u r e s
c o n t a c t . m e
bitch bitch
you're a bitch