I have collected many chicken pictures from all my past chickens, and have displayed a few on this page. All of them are deceased now, but they meant a lot to me. All the pictures below are just thumbnails, so click to see a bigger picture.
Me with my very first chick. All the way back on May 20, 1996. I named him Sinco, because he had an extra toe. Cinco in Spanish means 5.
That little chick I was holding grew into this. This is Sinco when he is older. He is a mixed bantam rooster.
This is Carmel, a recent hen, with her babies underneath her.
This is my very first egg. Look how excited I am! (and how small I was!
This is a mixed bantam hen, who we named Wild Thing because of the huge fro
Pumpkin's Death
Six years ago- me holding Carmel.
Kisses trying to sit on some eggs.
This is a hen named Kernal. She was very fluffly and pretty and had a topknot.
Dad and I by our chicken coop a couple years back.
Me when I was playing with some new chicks. I think I was around 16 in this picture.
My sister pointed out this car when we were driving to see my Grandma.
Me and part of our current batch when they were babies.