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Older pictures of the chickens we still have..

Me giving a hen a good petting.


Blu. She/he (we don't know yet) is a little on the slow side, but we still love it.

Dad telling me about how safe the cage is and how nothing will kill this batch. (Even though I am still a little wary...) It does look like a Fort Knox with all that wiring though.

Me goofing off and pretending I have a beak.

Patience the chicken. Her and Roger figured out how to get on the top layer of the cage and the rest of the chickens haven't! Its really funny, they have the "penthouse" to themselves. :)

Getting into the cage.

Roger, the other chicken who lives in the penthouse.

A close up of Poof.

Laughing at how ridiculous Poof is (she can't help it).


When they first arrived their home was in a box in the house.

Playing with the new chicks.

Birds eye view..

Diclaimer: The following pictures aren't my birds! This is me at the state fair.. with a HUGE chicken! (compared to our bantams!)

Saying hi at the fair.

A beautiful Cornish. Dad and I were thinking about getting some of this breed...

This silkie looks like a kung fu fighter to me.. must be the hair. :)

I wish I owned this hen! Isn't she PERFECT? I think they must use volumizing shampoo. :)