Have no idea how to start trying to tame your chickens? Here are some things that I do. The main thing is to remember BE PATIENT.
It is easiest to tame chickens when they are young. If you get chicks you can get them used to you while they are still in an enclosed cage. I usually try to get them used to my hand. I sometimes even just sit with my hand above them and moving around in the cage. Once they get used to my hand, and know it's not going to scare them, they will jump on my hand and I can feed them. I try not to take the chicks out of their cage very far- they usually get really worked up if you take them far from their "home" and friends. As they grow I continue to play with them, feed them by hand, and talk to them.
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BREAD. This is a major major help. I usually make a certain sound ... for example like a "chick chick chiikkee". Then I toss them bread. Chickens love bread. They very quickly learn that "chick chick chickee" means bread. Don't try to swoop down and pick them up. First get them to know that they won't be harrassed when eating their bread. Just feed them bread and you can get to the point where they will take it from your hand. Try sitting down and getting them to jump on you and take the bread off of your lap, arms, exc. Then you can pet them. Once you have reached this step they will probably let you pick them up. I know all of this sounds very boring, but it really is fun. The best part is when you make progress and realize the chickens really have become amazing wonderful pets. I enjoy even just watching my birds interact. They all have personalities, which you can get to know. |
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PATIENCE. Taming takes time. Taming means getting the chickens used to you. Sometimes you will have some chickens that are easily tamed, others take longer. In my opinion, chickens are an easy bird to tame. A few solid months when they are young of petting them and being around them usually seals the deal. They will be used to you then and be easier to get more and more tame. |
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CATCHING. Another way that some people try to tame them, is by just constantly picked them up. I don't do this, because they get really scared. Some people say after picking them up a lot they get used to it. If you want to try to do this, you have to catch them. You can catch in them by: chasing them, using a net, or using a hanger. Chasing and using a net are self explainatory. Use a hanger by straightening, then making a hook at one end. Hook the chicken's foot to catch it. This may take a few attempts to catch the chicken. |