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                                         Cheeky Kavana Bares All!
Cheeky, cute and very articulate. This young man has gotten immensely popular since then (not that he wasn't) and boy, does he have a following in Malaysia! So with all this fame and adoring fans, how does Anthony Kavanaugh feel it has affected him and the people around him?
"Well, it hasn't really," says Kavana. "I think it has affected the people around me more than it's affected me. People act differently towards me now but me real friends haven't treated me differently, so they're cool." Life for Kav now is a whole lot different from what he thought it would be. As a kid, he thought he would "immediately become friends" with the other pop stars, that he'd "live this life of parties every night" and that it would be all "easy-peasy." But he's found otherwise. Kav says it's a lot of hard work, "as there is in any other job," with a lot of ups and downs. Giving an example, he says that one moment, he can be in front of 5,000 fans and alone in his hotel room the next. "But I wouldn't do anything else. I'm glad that I do this," adds the 19-year-old.
Kavana's family is really proud of him but they don't see him as "anything spectacular" - just their same ol' Kav. Incidentally, Kav's parents are in their 60s and Kav's sister is about 18 years older than he is. Kav says he gets along with his sister despite the big age gap.
"I do wonder what happened that night when my parents had me," laughs Kav, "But I get on really well with them."
Let's get personal
   We asked Kav to describe him self but he "finds it really hard" to do so because he can't find the words. Although he admits there are many sides to him, at the end of the day, "I'm a nice person."

What scares the jeepers out of Kav?
        Being unhappy scares Kav. Not death. Well, to be exact, what scares Kav would be the people around him dying, not dying himself. Failure would scare him a little too but it "wouldn't be the end of the world" for him.

Kav Hates ... Bats! He finds them dirty, disgusting and calls them "rats of the sky."

It's most embarrassing moment time!
        Kav admits having lots of embarrassing moments, usually things like getting people's names wrong or talking to someone and calling him by the wrong name the whole night long before realising it's the wrong person. But he did manage to pinpoint one REALLY embarrassing moment.
        If was when he used the portable toilets at a concert where he performed. The toilets were located in front of the fans who were behind a massive iron mesh gate. About 1,000 people were watching him as he stepped into the loo. Like Neil Watts of Code Red, this lad forgot to lock the door.
        "I was standing to the side (doing his business) when this guys opens the door!" exclaims Kav in horror. "Everyone must have seen everything!"
        "So I just shut the door and wondered if I should stay in the toilet for three hours or go out or what. Well, as soon as I opened the door, everyone screamed Aaaaarrrh! Needless to say, they got an eyeful," laughs Kav.

Confession time
        This lad once nicked three cheap tapes from the bagging bin in a music store when he was 14 years old.

Kav's naughty lad, he is
        While he's not really a mean person, Kav was quite a terror when he was little. "I used to lock me cousin under the stairs and then pretend that I didn't know where he was. They'd find him eventually ... about six hours later! I would also tie him up and then swing him from the banisters on the stairs. Heh! That was quite mean!" recalls Kav.
        "I would also borrow my dad's watch and return it after I'd changed the time up to five hours behind and he'd miss everything," adds Kav. "He used to shout at me for that."
        Kav would spin tall tales too, when he was little. This little Pinocchio actually used to tell his friends that he was Superboy from Krypton ... and they fell for it hook, line and sinker! When he said his goodbyes, he would go round the corner and jump, to look as if he was flying away.
        "I don't know why I did it but these people believed me for two years until they realised I wasn't Superboy," recalls Kav.
        And when he grew older, he fibbed about being related to Jason Orange of the now defunct Take That.
        "When I was in school, Take That was a very big group and all the girls used to like Take That. I thought it would be good to get all the girls so I used to tell them that one of my cousins was in the group," explains Kav.
        Some of them even showed me a picture of the group and said that I looked like Jason because we both smiled the same way and I would say it was because he was my cousin!"
        If he had just one wish, Kav would like to be happy every minute of everyday, never to be sad but constantly laughing and happy. And what would be his perfect moment?
        "Wow! It would be around everybody I chose to be with, all my friends and family and all the people I wanted to meet. Everyone will be having a party with music and all and it would be on a beach in Barbados, with the blue sea and all."