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Over The Top About Pop Stars
        BACKSTREET BOYS, BOYZONE, 911, KAVANA, DAVID BECKHAM ... High-pitched, earth shattering screams fill concert venues, shopping complexes and anywhere these handsome stars appear. Sometimes walls are covered with posters of them.
        Pop idolism. The idolaters are mostly teenage hormonally-charged females. The idol: handsome male pop-stars or football stars in their late teens or twenties. Some of them can't sing but because they are bestowed with faces of Greek gods, their albums and concert tickets sell like hot cakes. However, some can sing, dance and write their own songs.
        I'm not totally against "pop idolism" but sometime it does get out of hand. For instance, I've seen girls talking to and kissing posters of their idols!
        And have you ever been to one of those performances or football matches? At such events, normally polite and nice girls turn into rough, ruthless barbarians, pushing to get a good view. This scares the boys away!
        Pop idolisation is also expensive. What do the "worshippers" spend their money on? Anyhting merchandise to magazines that have even a tiny picture of their idols to useless items that might have some connection to their idols. They also spend extravagantly on presents to their idols. What a waste of money.
        A little business has sprouted from the whole thing: the poster trading industry. Some girls buy different magazines and exchange posters. But sometimes, the girls become greedy, aggresive and selfish. That might mark the end a friendship.
        There are girls that support a certain football team because one of their players is dropdead gorgeous and not because of his skills. These girls pretend to be interested in the game but the truth is, they are looking at their idols in action. They even buy football magazines which feature their idols but they don't even understand half of what's written. Football is a great sport and shouldn't be treated like that. But now and then, their attention turns to the game itself which might turn into understanding and genuine liking for the game.
        Real names. Birthdays. Family. Favourites. Birthmarks. History. Idol worshippers know these data of their idols better than their own family. Hey, they even know what's the idol's favourite underwear!
        A common practise among these girls is to add the surname of their idols to their own. For example, "something" Keating or "something" Brennan or "something" Carter. They dream that they might one day be with their idols. They're living in fantasy! Pardon me but ... wake up! Occasionally, they demonstrate an abnormal possessiveness when friends quarrel over who will carry the surname.
        Another thing is if their idols happen to have a girlfriend, fiancee of wife, this obsessed girl would hate that person. They would shred pictures of the idol's companion and sometimes call her names. A bit over the top, huh? Of course, some of them accept the fact and are quite "nice" about it.
        These idols that are in groups are often dubbed "boy bands". Excuse me but doesn't band mean a body of musicians? These so-called "boy bands" shouldn't be so names bacause most of them can't play any musical instruments. Maybe one or two of the members have a melodious voice but what about the rest? I tell you, they are just pretty faces.
        Before I end this, let me advise all of you pop idol worshippers out there. It's okay to like a pop star but please don't be obsessed and go too far. Ciao!!!

                                                                               By: Bz Moon, Petaling Jaya, Selangor
For those of you out there who don't agree with this here