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A Scout From The Midwest

K. Stallworth Copyright 1997

Shaquita thought she was a normal girl from Cincinnati. She went to normal classes, did normal teenage things, had normal teenage friends, just a regular girl with an average, mundane, everyday life. Little did she know she had ties to Queens, Moon Princesses, and Warrior ladies, but she would find out soon, and it all began one day with a phone call from school...


"Ma'am?" she yelled from the other room.

"Telephone," her mother replied as she walked in the room."It's some teacher from school."

Shaquita took the phone. "Hello? Oh hi Ms Cole, sup? Nuh-uhh! You lyin'. Fo real? You lyin!! Thanks Ms Cole!"

Shaquita hung up the phone and sat down in shock. Her mother, puzzled, asked, "Sup? what'd she say?"

"Last week I entered a writing contest." Still in shock she spoke to herself, "I ain't think that I was gonna win first place."

"First place?!?" her mother yelled, "I'm so proud of my baby!! What'd you win?"

Shaquita spoke softly. "I get to be an exchange student. Aiken's gonna pay my way to Okinawa for a year."

"Aren't you excited?"

"Oh, yeah." Shaquita said halfheartedly. "I was just thinking about grandmother."


"Well, right before she died, Grandma 'Nika told me that one day I would go to Okinawa to become a Moonlight Densestu."



"You bringing up stuff about that stupid cartoon again? Look, your grandmother was senile. There are no Onyx Kingdoms, no Moonlight Knights, none of that stuff is true."

"I guess so," Shaquita replied. "Well I'd better go pack."

"Don't forget Trevon!" her mother yelled after her.

"I won't!" She yelled back, picking up a white teddy bear with a cresent moon on it's forehead.

A Few weeks later...

"Flight 198 from Cincinnati is now landing"

Serena and Reenie jumped up from their seats in the Okinawan airport. Reenie held up her homemade sign with Shaquita's name on it and asked "Serena, what's this girl like?"

"I really don't know, Reenie." she replied, and then muttered to herself, "And I don't care as long as I get my bratty little brother Sammy out of my hair for a year!"

Reenie dropped the sign. "I heard that!!!" she yelled. "You'd probably trade me in too if you could, wouldn't you?"

"I sure would, you little spore. Now hold up that sign, she's gonna be here any minute!!!"

Just then Shaquita walked up to them. She saw the sign and asked, "Serena? Serena Tsukino?"

"Y-y-yes?" She replied nervously.

"Sup! Name's Shaq, or my given handle, Shaquita King."She shuffled her bags so she could have a hand free to shake hands.

"Reenie rolled her eyes and muttered to Serena "She's black, sure we have some chitterlings at home?" Shaquita heard this and her stomach turned at the thought of eating the slimy stuff.

"REENIE!!!" Serena yelled through clenched teeth, then turned to Shaquita as a teardrop appeared on the back of her head. "Uhh, pay no attention to the little fungus, she got a little too close to the lysol today." An awkward silence passed over them.

"Well, I guess we'd better get going, Serena," Reenie said while tugging on her slacks.

"Oh yeah, heh-heh. Just follow me."

As they left the airport, a figure stood upon the roof, watching. As the figure watched the trio make their way to the subway terminal, he thought to himself, "Well, well. This information may prove useful to my lord." He instantaneously transported to the throne room of the dark kingdom in front of Jedite, acting lord of the negaverse. "Sire, I have some information on the moon girl," The figure bowed deeply.

"Good, what is it Quinax?" Jedite asked.

"I found out what she looks like out of uniform." Quinax replied.

"I grow weary of your time wasting, Quinax," Jedite said angrily. "did you attack her or get the crystal?"

"I did not think it wise to attack as she was not alone. There were two girls along with her, A small girl and a girl named Shaquita..."

At the mentioning of her name Jedite shot up. "Leave my presence."

"But sire..."

"LEAVE!!!" The figure melted into the shadows. "So, big sister, you made it to the future. You will find it most diffilcult to hold on to the Onyx of Power without your grandmother to protect you. I must use the energy I was saving for Queen Beryl to revive Zoicite and Malacite. I will train them and send them out to get the Onyx of power. It'll bring her back faster than any energy or that crystal can," he chuckled evily, "and it'll be much easier to steal!!."

The next day at the Cherry Hill Shrine, Raye, Lita, Mina, Amy and Terra were waiting for Serena.

"Where is she?" Mina asked, looking at her watch, "I'm anxious to meet this girl from Cincinnati."

"Oh," Amy said just remembering, "she's at school. They started Saturday detention this week, and guess who was the first canidate."

"What'd she do?" Raye asked, setting some rice crackers on the table.

"She was reading some Sailor V comics in Ms Haruna's class when we were supposed to have silent reading, then she started laughing outloud, I mean REALLY loud!"

Mina giggled at the fact that it was her comic that got here into trouble. Then Terra, who had been in the corner reading a nature magazine looked up, giggling and said "Serena the Bubble-Brained hyena!"

Everyone laughed at the joke until Serena ran into the room, gasping.

"Ms Haruna *cough* should really *wheeze* get a life *pant-pant* school on Saturday *gasp* just not natural." She regained some of her breath and looked up from her bent over position as Shaquita stepped out from behind her. "Guys, this is Shaquita King From Cincinnati. Schick..."

"Shaq," she corrected dryly.

"Whatever. This is Lita, Mina, Amy, Raye,(She lives here at the temple) and..."

Shaquita cut her off, "Terra? Is that you girl?"

"Yeah girl,what's up? How'd you get here? Oh yeah, exchange student."Terra got up and hugged Shaquita." So how's Richard?"

"You know how he is," Shaquita said, quickly brushing off the subject "You know Greg..." Shaquita stopped short and turned to the rest of the group. "Sorry for being such a bad guest, but me and Terra go back a minute."

"Yeah, we used to go to the same high school and were in Teen Institute together," Terra said, and then turned back to Shaquita. "Remember when we went to Amelia and you tried to get with that ugly dude Dooley?!?"

"Don't go there! At least I didn't get the bunk with the girl that made noises all night!!!"

The girls were stunned. The didn't expect for Shaquita to be black and were terrified of her. They'd all heard about what happens on the mean streets of the "Ghetto"

Raye broke into their conversation. "Welcome. Like Serena said I live here at the shrine, allow me to get my friend so he can show you around," She said nervously. "Chad!!!"

"Chill out babe, I'm coming," Chad replied as he entered the room.

"I need for you to show Shaquita around the shrine," she said, and then lent over towards him and said, "make sure she doesn't steal anything." As soon as they got out of hearing distance Raye turned to Serena and yelled "SERENA!!! You never told me she was black!!! She could have robbed us blind!!!"

"Well it's not my fault, Raye!" She shot back. "You told me to bring her here! Besides, it was my mom's idea to join this stupid program."

"It's not my fault you brought her here Serena. Common sense should have told you not to."

"Is so!!!"

"Is not!!!"

"Is too!!!"

"Good thing she's not a scout,"Mina yelled over the din of Serena and Raye fighting. "She'd probably focus more on beating us up than beating the negaverse."

"Truthfully we could have used her," Amy said sarcastically. "She could have pulled out her 9mm and shot Queen Beryll," Lita laughed.

Terra, tired of hearing all those prejudice and sterotypical remarks, yelled "Wait a minute!!! Why are you so worried about her being black? Just because she's black doesn't mean she does all that stuff you all are talking about!! Just like you don't sit here and eat rice all day just because you're Japanese, Raye, right?"

"Well, yeah but..."

"And you, Amy. You don't talk on cybersex chat rooms all night just because you like computers, do you?"

"Of course not!!!" Amy yelled indignantly.

"Lita, you can't play basketball worth anything, but you're tall, and Mina, you're not a real ditzy broad beacause you're blonde!"

"What about me?!?" Serena whined.

Terra chewed her lip, thinking of something nice to say."Well, it's not because you're blonde. At least you're not as prejudice as everyone else here."

"Actually, I agree with the guys," Serena replied.

Terra narrowed her eyes, "And you're the one who's supposed to stand for love and justice. I can't take this anymore, I'm leaving!!!" Terra ran outside only to find Zoicite and Malacite plotting against the scouts. She hid behind a tree and listened in.

"I've got this one, love," Zoicitie cooed. "I'll drain all Sailor Moon's energy with this dark moon crystal and then I'll retrieve the Silver Emperium Crystal!" She laughed her trademark laugh.

"Will you be alright against the new pest, Sailor Earth, My sweet?" Malacite asked, brushing a piece of hair out of Zoicite's face.

"No problem," she replied. "Got a new youma that'll take care of her. Majestite come forth!!!"

A youma, all black, rose out of the ground, grabbed Terra by the shoulders, and growled, "It's all over," before stealing her energy. She let out one final scream before going limp.

"Something's wrong with Terra!" Raye yelled, "Mars Star Power!!!"

"Ooh Raye!!!" Serena yelled, "I was supposed to transform first!!! Moon Crystal Power!!!"

"Mercury Star Power!!!"

"Venus Star Power!!!"

"Jupiter Star Power!!!"

The Scouts ran outstide to see what was the matter. "Zoicite?!?" Mars yelled as she spotted her, "We've killed you already, how can you be here?"

"You'll always be haunted by me until you give me the Crystal and the Onyx." She replied.

"Onyx?" Sailor Moon cocked her head to one side

"Majestite Attack!" Zoicite yelled.

"Not today, Zoicite!" Mercury yelled. "Mercury Ice Bubbles Blast!!!"

The youma brushed off the freezer burn caused by the attack "My turn," he grinned, and then threw a big black nega energy disk which hit Mercury directly in the chest,sending her flying into the temple wall.

"This monster is too strong,"Jupiter said, "Let's try attacking him all at once

"Aww how cute," Majestite cooed, "The Sailor babies are using cooperation."

"Don't get me mad!" Jupiter growled, "Jupiter Thunderbird crash, Zaa!!!"

"Mars FireBird Strike!!!"

"Venus Love Chain Encircle!!!"

"Moon Tiara Magic!!!"

Majestite reflected the attacks on the scouts, all of whom luckily dodged them by falling flat on the ground. "We need more power," Sailor Moon whined, "where's Sailor Earth when you need her?"

"She's right here," Majestite snarled, and stepped aside to show Terra, drained and barely holding on to dear life. "Are you quite finished? I would like to take the jewels and be home in time for the Simpsons."

"Oh man," Venus yelled, "what are we gonna do now? We don't even have an onyx!!!"

Just then figure appeared in the roof of the temple and yelled "Back up off them!!!"

Majestite looked up to see who it was, but, since the sun was behind her, all he could see was a black shiloette. The scouts got up, seeing the youma was distracted. Majestite took a step forward and asked, "If you're so bold why don't you come down here and give me your energy?"

The figure replied, "The only thing i'm giving out is ass whoppin's and lollipops, and I'm fresh out of lollipops!!!" Then she jumped off the roof and into view. She was a black girl with a black and blue scout uniform, and black hair with blue streaks styled in odango. She landed in front of the youma. "I believe you were trying to hurt my friend."

"Yeah, and?" Majestite sneered.

"That's somthing you get straight fucked up fo'!"

"Oh really?" Majestite laughed and threw some nega energy disks at her, all of which she easily dodged.

"No, no, no," the girl shook her head, "you're doin' it all wrong. It's more like this: Dark Moon Chains of Oppression Absorb!!!" black chains sped from her hands and wrapped around the monster. Blue energy ran back up the chains causing them to glow."Let me see what the situation is up in here," She thought to herself, looking around the courtyard. She saw Mercury coming to and ran over to her. "Energy Return!!!"she yelled and transferred half of the energy to her.

"Who are..." Mercury stammered.

"No time," the girl replied."Take care of the youma while I hype Terra up!!!"

"Okay," Mercury replied, still woozy from the blow delivered her earlier, but all of a sudden a rush of energy flowed through her. She turned to the monster "Mercury Liquid Nitrogen, Freeze!!!" The monster laughed at the little bubble that was floating towards him, but notfor long because the instant the bubble touched him he was frozen solid. then he shattered.

Meanwhile the girl was hunched over Terra. "Here you go," She said softly, and then yelled, "Dark Moon Healing Activation!!!" and transferred the rest of the energy to her causing her to awaken.

The scouts surrounded her and Sailor Moon, as always, shot off at the mouth without thinking. "Who do you think you are,helping Mercury finish him off like that?!? I had him right where I wanted him!!!"

"You mean he had y'all right where he wanted y'all!!!" The girl replied, getting in Moon's face. "Y'all needed help and I gave it!!!"

"She's right," Terra said weakly, not fully recovered, "she just saved all our asses." The girl saw this and held Terra up

"Who are you anyway?" Jupiter asked.

"Just plain Shaq King," Then she looked down at her scout uniform, "at least I thought I was. After all this true life Sailor Scout shit I don't know who I am."

Mars scratched her head. "You're Shaqui--"

Venus cut her off "You've heard of us?"

Shaquita looked a her crazily "'Us' who?"

Mercury lent over and whispered to Moon, "we'd better change back and talk to this girl. I think we've got another scout on our hands."

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