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Oh No, Not Another One

By K Stallworth Copyright 1998

While the girls were talking, Zoicite and Malacite returned to the Dark Kingdom's throne room. They bowed deeply in front of Jedite. "Sorry sire, we did not get the crystal," Zoicite said automatically without being asked.

"Incompetant fools!!!" he yelled, enraged. I am beggining to think that I have wasted valuable energy on you! Did I not instruct you to go after the Onyx!!!"

"Yes sire, but..." Malacite started.

"BUT WHAT?!?" Jedite snarled.

"but we were not informed she was a scout." Malacite finished meekly

Jedite sat back and thought. "Malacite, we will need Queen Beryl to defeat her. You and Zoicite go out and collect energy. Try not to arouse the scouts.

"Yes sire," they replied in unison and dissapeared.

Meanwhile the scouts had changed back and were talking to Shaquita.

"So," Mina pondered, "where did you hear about the Sailor Scouts?"

"Saw it on T.V." Shaquita replied.

"We've made the news all the way in Cincinnati? Cool!!!"

"What is up with all this 'we' stuff?" she asked, still not realizing what she was getting at. "Anyway it wasn't the news. It was this bad-ass cartoon that used to come at home. It was about five... aw hell naw!!!"

"What?!?" Mina asked.

"It was about five girls who fought to protect the Ginshoujo," Shaquita said slowly, and began to point them out. "Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Mars, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Venus," and then she looked towards Serena, "and the leader of the group, the Silver Emperium Crystal holder herself, Ms Sailor Moon. Whoa, Grandma 'Nika was right, I have become a Moonlight Densetsu in Okinawa. So all that stuff about the Silver Millenium was true, Damn."

"So you're the new senshi, huh?" Lita asked. "What's your planet and story?"

"Planet? Story?" Shaquita yelled, obviously overwhelmed about the events that had just happened. "Fo' one, I ain't never seen no black people on Sailor Moon..."

"Ha Ha!!" Serena pointed at Mina


"Now it's my turn to gloat," she giggled. "You rubbed it in when you had a comic book and I didn't. Well Ms Sailor V, I have an Anime!!!"

"Meanwhile, back on the ranch..."Shaquita rolled her eyes. "I have no story, I'm not a scout!!! (I don't think)"

Amy stepped in. "You can transform, take nega-energy like Terra..."

Shaquita cut her off, "Terra's a scout? I never saw you on the show."

"I'll try to explain later" Terra replied.

"As I was saying, " Amy butted back in, "If you can do all that but you're not a scout, that means you're from the negaverse."

"Bitch I know you ain't trying to say I'm from the negaverse!!!" Shaquita got in Amy's face and she took a step back defensively. "I don't know if all that blue dye has seeped into your brain but it will be a cold day in hell before you catch me working for that bitch Queen Beryl again!!!"

"Again?" Serena whispered.

The rest of the scouts stared at her. Shaquita, finally coming to her senses, tried to explain. "I kinda go off whien the negaverse is mentioned in the wrong way, Sorry. Well, I'm a Senshi without a history and on behalf of whatever planet I'm from I will protect the princess or whatever I'm supposed to do."

"We still need to figure out how you fit into our scout puzzle," Raye pressed.

"As I've already mentioned I don't know andything about my past,' Shaquita said through clenched teeth, trying not to go off a second time.

"It is getting close to dinnertime," Terra said, "maybe we should have an official scout meeting tommorrow with all the scouts."

"There's more?" Shaquita asked.

"Just Sailor Sun," Muna replied.

"There's a princess of the Sun?"

Terra walked over to Shaquita and patted her on the shoulder. "We'll explain tommorow

The scouts left the shrine, unbeknownst to Serena and Shaquita that they were being followed. Shaquita stopped at the corner, sensing something was wrong. After a minute of scanning the nearby trees and Serena tugging on her arm, she left.

Quinax hurriedly transported to the Dark Kingdow to relay this information. "Sire, the new moon girl is staying with the other moon princess, but there seems to be some disesension amoung the ranks."

"Hmm," Jedite thought, then realized that Quinax was still standing in front of him. "Oh your information is very useful to me, but I can take over from here. You are dismissed."

"Sire, why is this new scout so important to you?"

"Is it any of your buisness?" Jedite growled, hating having his judgment questioned. "Did I not tell you you were dismissed?!?" Quinax dissapeared. "I can do better if I watch through my crystal ball."

Later on, the girls walked in the door of Serena's house. Shaquita, still hyper from the fact of her being a "Bishoujo Senshi", ran all over the house searching for Luna. She found her in Serena's room laying across her bed. Shaquita lie across her cot and began talking to her.

"So your are the Luna, a talking cat. So say something." Luna eyeballed her for a while. Shaquita got up to loook for something in her bags. "You don't have to be shy, I'm the new scout!" Luna still stayed silent. After throwing a white teddy bear with a cresent moon on it's forhead on the bed, Shaquita turned to Luna. "I guess you don't belive me." she squatted down in front of her, closed her eyes, and concentrated, A cresent moon with a dot beside the open part appeared on her forehead.

Luna, stunned, asked "How can you do that without my help?"

Shaquita shrugged. "I've always been able to, I just never connected it with being a senshi. So, am I from the past?"

"Wha--?" Luna said, obviusly startled by the outright question.

"Am I from the Silver Millenium? I'm trying to figure out my past."

"Hmm, I'm not sure, I don't recognize your symbol. What is your planet?"

"I don't know," she wined, and unhappily plopped onto the cot, hugging her teddy bear.

Luna, just now noticing the bear, did a double take towards it. She then quickly turned away. "Where's Serena?"

"She's in the other room, I'll go get her." Shaquita dropped the bear on the cot and left the room. When she neared the end of the hallway she heard Serena on the phone. She listened in.

"Yeah, yeah I see your point, but still I dont think Shaquita would make a good scout. Why?!? Lita come on!!! She's black! She'll ruin the whole image of the scouts!!!"

Shaquita couldn't take anymore. She ran back into the room, flung herself on the bed, and began to cry. Luna hopped onto the cot and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"Ain't nothing wrong with me, "then she muttered to herself, "I'll be alright as soon as I can get my ass home!!!"

Luna hadn't heard this last comment as she had been eying the teddy bear for quite some time. She took a step closer, "Trevon? Is that you?"

"He doesn't talk. Hey, how do you know my teddy bear na--" Luna cut her off "Put him down on the bed for a second" As she did, Luna used her Mind-Meld on the bear.

Shaquita jumped up. "What in the world are..."

She was cut short as the bear started to move. He stretched, rubbed his eyes, looked over at Luna and said, "Luna? Lil' Luna? That can't be you, can it?"

"Of course it's me," Luna giggled. "I haven't seen you since you used to babysit me, "How long have you been in that state?"

"I couldn't tell you if I tried."

Shaquita, just regaining the power of speech (Somewhat), broke in. "Wait a minute!!! You can..."

"Talk. I can do that and a number of other things. I'm your guardian pet.

Shaquita got angry at the thought of the Sailor Scouts. "I don't think I'll be needing one since I won't be part of the Sailor Team."

Luna gasped "Why not?" By this time she had stuffed the rest of her things into her bags. "Let's just say that I don't wanna be a part of a team that don't want no part of me." She grabbed Trevon along with her bags and ran out of the house and into the dark streets.

After a long while Trevon, tired of being jerked aroung, asked, "Where are you going?!?"

"Away!" she growled. "Away from Okinawa, away from people who hate me because of the color of my skin and where I'm from, awa-- yow!!!"

Shaquita dropped Trevon as he had bit her. "You have more backbone than that princess!!!" he said as he paced back and forth in front of her. "Just because they don't like you doesn't mean you can leave. You stay and tough it out because like it or not, right now you have a part in the Sailor Team, now lean down here."

Shaquita hesitated.

"LEAN DOWN HERE!!!" The cresent moon on Trevon's forhead began to glow, but it was real faint. A beam that flickered went to Shaquita's forhead, revealing her symbol. After a few seconds her stopped and she stood up. "You remember anything?" he asked.

"'Remember anything' what?" She said, and then she stopped, "Dark Moon."

"Exsqueeze me?"

"Dark Moon. That's my planet. I'm the princess of the Dark side of the moon." She stood there for a minute hoping that her whole story would be revealed to her, but that wasn't the case. "That's it?" Shquita yelled. "You think that little bit of 411 is gonna make me go back? Shit!!!"

"You're going back toni..."

Just then a building exploded, sending Trevon and Shaquita into a nearby wall. When the dust cleared Jedite could be seen floating above the rubble, smirking. "Like your new home, princess? Well enjoy it while it lasts because this street will become your grave, and this place will befall the same fate as your Onyx Kingdom. Your grandmother will rue the day she disobeyed me!!!!"

Shaquita, although she didn't know why, was enraged by this last comment and, for the first time, transformed under her own power. When she was finshed she yelled "I am Sailor Dark Moon, defender of the dark skinned!!! I stand for intergration and toghetherness and on behalf of the dark side of the moon I will reclaim what is rightfully mine by kicking some negaverse ass!!!"

Meanwhile back at the house, Serena was sleeping comfortably in her bed when her communicator went off.

"Mmm *yawn* It's after midnight so this better be important."

"Serena get up!" Raye yelled into the communicator. "I'm getting some bad vibes from downtown, we need to check it out!!!"

"But can't it wait till tomorrow?" Serena pleaded. "I need my beauty sleep."

"We don't have that many years."

"Don't start with me, Raye."

"Anyway, get up, get that girl up, and get downtown!!!"

"Who? Oh, Shtick, she ran away earlier tonight," Serena muttered, sounding not too concerned.

"Well, maybe that'll work out for the best, but you still have to get your lazy butt up!!!"

"Aww man!!!!"

Back Downtown Dark Moon was still battling Jedite. She used her Dark Moon Chains, but, before they siphoned off too much energy, Jedite broke them. "What are you going to do, energize your bear?"

She realized she could do nothing with the excess energy since she was by herself. Then, with a sudden burst of inspiration she yelled, "Dark Moon Roses Pierce!!!"She crossed her arms and started spinning, As she did millions of black roses flew out in all directions. At the same time the rest of the scouts were nearing the scene. They immediately dropped to the ground to avoid getting hit.

"See! I told you she was out to get us!!!" Mars yelled.

"No she isn't, look!!!" Jupiter yelled back and pointed to Jedite as he got caught by a few of the roses. Jupiter took this opportunity to help "Jupiter Thunderclap, ZAP!!!"

The attack was semi successful, it stunned Jedite but he quickly recovered. "I'll be back for the Onyx, little princess!!!" He sneered before vanishing.

"So I guess you're not worried about the 'Sailor Scout Image' anymore," Dark Moon said cooly without turning towards them.

"I'm sorry I said that about you," Serena apologized as she de-transformed. "We really need you."

"I'll see after the meeting tommorrow," She said evily, narrowing her eyes, "if I'll stay or not."

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