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Sailor Team Divided, We Fall

By K. Stallworth Copyright 1998

Shaquita was the first one to get to the shrine that sunday afternoon. She sat under an oak tree with Trevon in the courtyard.

"I don't know why you're going through all this," Trevon lectured. You know you have to be par-- MMFF!!!"

Shaquita clamped his mouth shut. "Trevon, shut up."

Just then Terra and Ohiko walked up to Shaquita. "What's wrong with you, Shaq?"

"Nothing, just that most of the scouts hate me."

"No they don't," Ohiko told her, not really knowing what had been transpiring between them.

"Who are you?" Shaquita asked

"Oh, sorry. My name is Ohiko Taiyo, Sailor Solaris, or Sailor Sun for short."

"Princess of the Sun, huh? Don't it get hot up there?"

Ohiko giggled, "I'm not princess of the sun, I'm not even a princess!!!"

"I thought you hadda be a princess to be a scout."

"Nope," Terra replied, "She was created by Queen Serenity."

By this time everyone else had arrived so they all went into the temple. Just like last time there were a lot of questions.

"What's your planet?" Mina asked.

"Dark side of the moon," Shaquita replied dryly.

"That means you're form the negaverse!!!" Serena yelled accusingly.

"No I'm not bubble-brain!!!" She yelled back.

"Calm down!!!" Lita said to Serena, then turned back to Shaquita, "What's your history?"

"I don't know," she said sadly, and looked down into her lap. She saw Raye roll her eyes and shot up, "It's not like you knew your history when you first became a scout! In fact, I still haven't heard anything about the kingdom on Mars!!!" That made Raye shrink back.

Amy, wanting to stop the yelling match, asked "Why does Jedite want you?"

Shaquita shrugged her shoulders "he keeps talking about an Onyx of power, but the only thing I have close to an onyx it this," She produced a locket that looked exactly like Serena's except that it was purple and in place of the Crystal it had a small black stone. "My grandmother gave this to me. She told me when I got older I would know what to do with it."

"Who is your Grandmother?" Mina asked.

"Shaniqua Spikes." Trevon punched her in the side. "What?!?" Trevon whispered in her ear and when he was finished Shaquita got up looking puzzled. "My Grandmother was the Queen of the Dark Side of the Moon. Queen Shaniqua of the Onyx Kingdom." Then she said to herself, "Damn, that's how she knew so much."

"Don't you mean Queen Beryl," Serena muttered under her breath.

"That's it!" Shaquita stood up. "I know y'all don't like me so I'ma do y'all a favor!!!"

Trevon yanked on her jeans, "Shaquita sit down!!!"

"Hell no!!"she yelled back. "Everyone who ain't got no problem wit' me step over here!!!" Ohiko, Terra, and, after much opposition, Lita walked over by her. "Now, this is my Sailor Team! You do y'all do good shit, we do our do good shit, nobody gets they toes stepped on." She looked towards Serena "Bye bubble-brain." With that Shaquita and her group left.

Raye got up and patted Serena on the shoulder. "You did the right thing."

"I don't know Raye, I kinda feel bad about all this." All of a sudden a funny look crossed her face and the first tears to "Hurricaine Serena" appeared, "Shaquita called me 'bubble-brain' twice today! Waaa-haaa!!!!!"

"Serena stop all that crybaby shit and straighten up!!!" a voice said from a far corner of the room. The remaining scouts gasped at what they saw.

Meanwhile Shaquita and the other scouts were boarding the bus. Ohiko, still puzzled, asked, "Why are you so mad at the other scouts?"

"I don't even wanna think about those hoes!!!" Shaquita yelled back, causing the other people on the bus to stare.

"Sorry," Ohiko replied, and ducked to miss the top of the bus door.

"She doesn't mean it," Lita whispered, "the only reason she's mad is because the other scouts don't like her. They kinda have a stereotype about people that come from the 'Ghetto'. She's just not used to being osteracized."

"I know how she feels," Ohiko replied, remembering how she felt when the little kids wouldn't play with her because they were scared of her powers which she couldn't control.

Terra, the last one to get on the bus, asked, "Where are we going anyway?"

"I gotta get my stuff from Serena's house, although I don't know where I'ma stay."

"You can stay with me and Mr. Panda," Terra sat down and put her arm around Shaquita. "We're best friends, remember?"

Shaquita giggled "You've still got that raggedy old..." She jumped up as she realized something "I left Trevon at the temple!!!"

"What are you still doing here, Trevon?!?" Amy asked.

"Shaquita left me, derr." Trevon rolled his little button eyes. "Why are you so uptight about her?"

"She's black!!!" Mina yelled. "You've seen how she acts around us!!!"

"The way she acts has nothing to do with her skin," he replied, shaking his head, "she acts like that partly because of the way you act towards her, and the other part is from what Queen Beryl and Jedite did to her and her family."

"What'd they do?" Raye asked, obviously interested.

"It won't make sense unless I tell the whole story. Before the Silver Millenium the Moon Kingdom wasn't the only good castle on the moon. On the dark side there was the Onyx Kingdom where then Princess Shaquita, Queen Shaniqua, and Shaq's little brother Prince DeMarco lived happily until Jedite came along. He asked for the young princess' hand in marriage. The Queen refused, him being evil and grown and her only being twelve. Then he got angry. He went back and told Queen Beryl that the only thing in her way of ruling the Moon and the Universe was the Onyx Kingdom. She declared war on us and took over quite easily (since we had no use for weapons before we had no technology nor experience to fight back) She made us slaves, rebuilding our Kingdom to become her..."

"Black Realm!!!" The scouts yelled in unison.

"Do y'all wanna tell the story?!?" no one said anything so he continued "As I was saying, The Queen, tired of being exploited, planned a way for us to excape by sending us into the future. She had the Onyx of Power..."

That's what Jedite was after," Serena whispered.

"...which gave her the power to rule, summon enough energy to do the task. During those few weeks we toiled and worked like dogs, except the young prince and princess," he smiled to himself and shook his head. "They would hide and play in their grandmother's garden until it was time to return to the deplorable, ramshackle barracks they forced us to live in. Unfortunately Jedite found out about them before we had a chance to get away." The rage of past anger shown in his eyes. "The day we left the young ones were in the garden as usual when Shaquita found a black rose growing amongst her Grandmother's red rose bushes. She found this very peculiar so she decided to pick it. When she did two things happened: (1) She pricked her finger, causing some kind of venom to go into her bloodstream, and (2) Jedite appeared, He had used rose as some kind of alert. The children tried to get away but Jedite caught them. He looked down at Shaquita and said 'Dead or alive, you will be mine.' and tried to suck their life energy, but Shaquita raised her hand and as she did hundreds of black roses came out of her hand and splattered into Jedite's face, causing him to drop her. Shaquita scrambled up, ready to turn around and save her brother but it was too late. Jedite had drained all of Prince DeMarcus' energy, killing him. He then turned and said 'This will teach you to obey the power of the negaverse!!!' Shaquita ran crying to the shed where I and the Queen were making the final preparations for our time travel. When she told us we mourned for a bit but sadly moved on as it could not be helped. Queen Shaniqua spread her hands shoulder width apart and a protective shield appeared around us. The shed fell apart and we started to float off. The last thing Shaquita said before the effects of the Onyx's spell took hold was, 'I will get our kingdom back, no matter what it takes.' she was only twelve then, but she knew her responsibility as a scout."

"Whoa, I never thought she had been through so much," Raye said softly. "I feel so bad about the way I treated her now."

"How'd she become a scout?" Amy asked. "I mean, did she go through training like us?"

"Her grandmother gave her the Onyx Of Power inside of that locket she has, which gives her the ability to transform, I guess," Trevon said, scratching the back of his furry head, "as for training the only thing she had was the cartoon, no actual practice either, until now."

This brought Serena partway out of her funk. "My cartoon helped her," she managed a half-smile.

"We are so dirty," Mina said, looking into her lap. "We need to find Shaquita and apologize."

Meanwhile Jedite had been watching the whole ordeal through his crystal ball. "So, Sailor Moon, lose the strength of your team to racism? Well I might take this chance to attack."

Just then, Quinax appeared quite suddenly, startling Jedite. "I have some very important information about the Moon Princesses," he bowed quickly.

"Before you go on may I remind you never to do that again!!!" He bellowed. "Now you may proceed."

"I have been doing a lot of research on the Silver Emperium Crystal and the Onyx Of Power and I have found that, if combined, they form the Crystaline Onyx Supreme..."

Jedite cut in, "Sounds like a special at a hamburger joint," he laughed.

"This is no laughing matter," Quinax said sternly. "This combination is hundreds of times stronger than either of the jewels alone. This may be just what we need to take over the world."

"Thank you, Quinax, your information will be well used." Quinax dissapeared. Well, I can take this opportunity to get half of this Crystaline Onyx Quinax speaks of," He paused in deep thought. "I do not need to create a youma too powerful since all the strength of the team is not present, but I will anyway since it is so much more enjoyable! Black Manta come forth!!!

Meanwhile Serena and the others were getting ready to leave the temple and search for Shaquita when they heard a loud hissing noise. Not trusting it they transformed.

"Moon Star Power!"

"Mars Star Power!"

"Venus Star Power!"

"Mercury Star Power!"

"You did it again!!!" Mars yelled.

"What?!?" Moon yelled back.

"You yelled Moon STAR Power!"

"Save it for another time," Venus groaned.

The girls ran outside only to find a giant black praying mantis. "I'm here for the crystal, moon girl," It sneered.

"Here we go, back to basics," Sailor Moon sighed. "I am Sailor Moon Champion of Justice and protector of the Silver Emperium Crystal! And on behalf of the Moon I will smash all evil insects and triumph over evil, and that means you, buggy boy!!!"

"Save your speeches for your maker," It growled, and with that it spat black firey acid at Moon which she barely dodged.

"You can't do that to her! Mars Celestial Fire, Ignite!!!"

The fire rings hit its exoskeleton and bounced off. "My turn," it said in a raspy sing song voice, and spat another firey acid ball which hit Mars directly in the chest. It used a second and third ball of acid on Sailors Venus and Mercury, sending all three scouts into the temple wall.

"This is a familiar place," Sailor Mercury said weakly before passing out.

The youma stepped closer to Sailor Moon who was just getting up from the first attack she dodged. "Now to get what I came for," it snickered.

Just then, an all too familiar "Back up off her!!!" was heard from the shrine entrance. The youma spun around to see Sailor Dark Moon and the other scouts who had left earlier. "I am Sailor Dark Moon..." she started, but then just shook her head. "I'ma just kick your ass! C'mon Sailor Earth!!!"

"Earth Life Energy..."

"Dark Moon Chains of Oppression..."

"Absorb!!!" they yelled simultaneously, and got a good amount of energy from the youma.

"I'll give this to the (at this point she tightened her lips) other scouts, you boost Jupiter's power so she can do him, after Sun softens him up a bit,"Dark Moon yelled and ran for the injured scouts.

"Alright!!! Sun yelled. "Solaris Super..."

"Hold it!!!" Earth grabbed her hands so she couldn't finish the attack. "Do you want to ruin Raye's temple again???"

"Sorry," Sun replied. "I just got caught up in the moment of being asked to attack."

"WELL DO SOMETHING!!!" Jupter yelled, noticing the youma getting ready to attack.

"Oh yeah!" Sun snapped back into the real world. "Solaris Solar Flare!!!"

The attack blinded the youma, giving Earth enough time to pass on the energy to Jupiter.

"Jupiter Plasma Bolt Chain!!!" she yelled. The youma flinched in agony and then turned to dust.

Meanwhile, Dark Moon was standing over the three scouts. She spoke softly to herself, "Should I help them? If I do they won't appreciate it, coming from me, but if I don't it'll make me as bad as them. Oh well," She pushe the scouts closer together and whispered "Dark Moon Healing Activation."

Mars was the first to recover. "S-Sailor Dark Moon, you helped us?"

"Yeah, but don't expect for it to happen too often. I just came back to get Trevon." With that she turned around to walk away, but, after she detransformed, Serena stopped her.

"Shaquita, Trevon told us your history..."

"He told y'all and not me? Ain't that about a bitch!!!"

"Trevon said it would be too bad a shock to your system if he told you your story in it's entirety at once. Anyway, we had no idea what you had gone through. We're sorrywe treated you that way.

"Yeah," Amy said, "we didn't know how much you were like one of us."

"You are one of us," Mina corrected. "That is, if you still wanna be a scout?"

"I guess. I mean, where else would a rose-throwing, energy-sucking, scout- healing girl fit in?"

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