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Missing Jewels

Missing Jewels

Missing Jewels

By K. Stallworth Copyright 1998

"Damn those scouts!!!" Jedite threw the crystal ball across the room, shattering it into millions of pieces. "They always get the better of me," he raked his hand frantically through his short blonde hair, "how do they do it? How do they get so lucky?!?!?" Jedite quickly regained his composure. "I will not worry myself with such matters, I have my lackeys for that. Zoicite! Malachite!!!

They appeared in front of him. "Yes, sire?" they replied in unison.

"I have new orders for you. Malachite, I want you to redirect your attacks towards the new moon girl and the onyx..."

"Picking up where you failed again, Jedite?" Malachite sneered. "The Queen would be proud."

"I am running out of patience with you, Malachite," he growled, "may I remind you that, until we do get the means to revive Queen Beryl I AM IN CHARGE !!! Zoicite, forget about collecting energy and go after the Moon Crystal. We will need both to revive our dear Queen Beryl." He swung his arm towards the left side of the room, showing Queen Beryl's corpse lying on a table, her skin pale her bright red hair singed.

"It shall be done, sire," Zoicite replied, then they both disapeared, Zoicite leaving a blizzard of pink rose petals.

Jedite produced two stress balls and began working them. "You may have won the battle Shaquita, but the Negaverse will win the war and you will be mine!!!"

Zoicite, meanwhile, was in her quarters gazing through her own crystal ball at Serena and Reenie's recent life together. "Hmm, she really cares about the little brat." She went into Reenie's memories. Her eyes widened as an idea hit her, then narrowed as an evil smirk crossed her face. "I can use this very well. I'll use one of my dream spells, hypnotize her into getting the crystal and bringing it to me," she laughed that anoyingly hideous laugh. "Let's see Malachite top this."

At Serena's house, Reenie had just laid down for her afternoon nap when a vision came to her. It was of Neo-Queen Serenity.

"Mother? Mother! Can I come home now? Is my mission over?

"No, Chibi-Usa-chan," at first her voice sounded strangely like Zoicite's, but it was quickly replaced by the Queen's, "you must get the Silver Emperium Crystal and bring it to me on the bridge by downtown. The future depends on it!!!"

"But Mother," Reenie protested, "I don't know where the crystal is!!!"

"Sailor Moon has it in her locket. Next time she transforms grab it from her bow and bring it to me. Puu will then transport us home." With that, the vision ended. Reenie awoke with the word "home" echoing in her head, her red eyes glowing in the early evening shadows.

The girls talked heatedly over what was to be done over the generals of the negaverse coming back to life and them wanting the jewels.

"What are we gonna do, what are we gonna do, what are we gonna do???" Raye paced the floor.

"Sit down, you sound like a bad episode of 'The Magic School Bus" Shaquita said. The room got very quiet. "Lita, what are we gonna do?"

"Since Jedite, Zoicite, and Malachite are back, the only thing we can expect is for Neflyte, Queen Beryll, maybe even Queen Metallia to come back also," Lita explained.

"Not Neflyte," Amy broke in. "Remember he reformed for Molly right before he was killed by the Negaverse."

"Excuse me?" Terra asked. "Who is this Queen Beryll?"

The name hit Shaquita like a ton of bricks, hearing it for the second time, she passed out. While she lay on the floor her memories of Queen Beryll and Jedite flooded her head. Finally she came to and shook her head. "What's wrong? What happened?" Serena asked.

"I guess it was shock, I just remembered a big chunk from my past, Owww!!!" She rubbed the bump on the back of her head caused by the fall. "Queen Beryl took my home and tried to take yours. Jedite had something to do with the fall of my kingdom, but I don't remember what."

"Just take your time," Ohiko said to her

"Anyway, Queen Beryll wanted the Silver Emperium Crystal to rule the universe. She even tried to get it again by attacking the inners, but she failed.

"How do you know that?" Mina asked, "That's not part of your history and it happened before you got here."

"It was on the cartoon," Shaquita replied, too weak to deliver one of her trademark retorts. "I feel another day of destiny coming on.

"But this time we're ready!" Raye exclaimed. We have Terra, Ohiko, and you to back us up, right?"

"Balls, Raye," Shaquita narrowed her eyes. Raye, on the other hand, didn't understand the put-down

"Besides, since Ruebeus revived Jedite who knows what we're up against." Amy stated

"Anywayz we shouldn't be worrying about that now, we have to protect our lockets so that problem won't arise." Shaquita concluded.

Just then, Artemis, Luna, and Trevon ran into the room. "We gotta hit the bricks, scouts!!!" Trevon yelled.

"Disturbance... downtown...," Luna gasped. "No time to explain, must go!!!"

"Aww, just when we were starting to have fun." Shaquita said sarcastically, then the scouts ran out the temple door.

Downtown,Zoicite had a monster running amuck among the shops. "This oughta attract Sailor Moon and that little pink-haired rat." Sure enough, Sailor Moon and the scouts appeared.

"Zoicite must be behind this," Sailor Moon concluded, seeing the monster attacking with pink roses.

Dark Moon frowned. "Now let me get this straight, is Zoicite a dude or a girl?" The other scouts giggled.

"That's not important, Shaquita!!!" Trevon yelled. "Sailor Moon, he doesn't look too powerful, do your thing!!!"

"Oh, like I couldn't take him on if he wasn't powerful???" Moon retorted.

"Not that you couldn't," Mars replied, "I'ts just that you'd probably sit down and cry like normal!!!"

"Shut up Raye!!!!" Moon said through clenched teeth. "Anywayz, I am Sailor Moon... stand for love and justice... I will punish you... yada, yada, yada, you know the drill." The youma looked at Sailor Moon, then disreguarded her as a threat and continued to terrorize the pet store he was, well, terrorizing. "Okay, fine," she sighed. "Moon Tiara Magic!!!" The youma disintergrated.

"I wonder what Zoicite's purpose of that was." Jupiter pondered.

"You can ask her right now, there she is," Venus said, pointing at the center of the bridge where Zoicite was materializing.

She laughed that annoyingly hideous laugh. "This is the end of you, Sailor Moon!!!" Everyone jumped to a fighting stance as they thought that she was getting ready to attack, but the only thing she did was say "Now, Small Lady."

Out from nowhere, Reenie ran up and tore the brooch off Sailor Moon's bow, causing her to detransform. "But why, Reenie?" Serena whispered as she fell to her knees.

Reenie didn't hear Serena's plea as she ran towards Zoicite. In her entranced state she saw not a General's assistant of the Negaverse, but her mother, Neo-Queen Serenity. "Here, Mother," Reenie handed her the brooch. "Can we go home now?"

"Home?" Zoicite laughed and ended the vision. "You won't have a home when the negaverse is through!!!" She laughed that rabid chipmunk laugh again and dissapeared in a blizzard of pink rose petals.

Reenie fell to her knees, crying. "Mommy, Mommy!!!"

"She's gone too far" Dark Moon said, picking Reenie up."

"What are we supposed to do now?" Serena asked Luna. "I can't transform without the crystal!"

"For right now...," Luna did a backflip and a pink pen appeared. "You'll have to use this transformation wand. You'll have the same powers but just not as strong. Sailor Dark Moon will have to do the finishing moves untill we get the crystal back, which we need to do in 72 hours..."


"Or ther will be no Sailor Scouts, no Crystal Tokyo, or, or" Luna looked towards Reenie's direction and Dark Moon covered her ears "No Reenie."

Zoicite was in her quarters admiring the beauty of the Silver Emperium Crystal when Malachite entered. She quickly hid the stone her as she stood up. "Guess what I have!!!She said, almost giddy. "The Silver Emperium Crystal!!!"

Malachite was stunned. "It-- it can't be!!! It has to be a fake!!!"

"What, you thought I couldn't do it?!?"

"I'm sorry, you just don't understand. This is what the negaverse has been dreaming of for so many eons. And now to be able to hold it, to feel the power pulsing through it, it's just so dreamlike."

"So I've done my part, can you keep up your end of the bargain?" Zoicite said quickly, eager to change the subject.

"Of course I can, just watch me." He kissed her and disappeared.

The scouts sat in the temple trying to figure out a plan to get the Crystal back into scout hands.

"Okay, so they have the crystal, so what?" Shaquita said, obviously nervous. "We just charge in there and get it back!!!"

"I'm working on tracking it down right now, " Amy said, typing away madly on her palm computer.

"That just makes me so mad, how could Zoicite just use Reenie like that?!?" Ohiko fumed. "Solaris Super..."

"Hold it!!!" Terra flew across the room and tackled Ohiko's hands. "You know you can't do that in here!!!"

"I know, I'm sorry. It just makes me so mad when I think about what she did. If I would have known I would have... oh!!! Solaris Solar Flare!!!"

"Ohhhh." Amy groaned and let her head fall.

"What's the matter?" Serena asked

"I was this close to getting a location on the crystal, but my palm computer is solar powered. When Ohiko did that solar flare it overloaded."

"Sorry," Ohiko mumbled.

Just then Darien burst into the room. Shaquita, not knowing who he was, began going off. "Who do you think you are, bustin' up in here like that, don't you know this room is private mutha--mmph!!!"

Terra covered her mouth and pulled her close to her mouth. "Don't you know that is Darien, the Tuxedo Mask?!?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't know who you were." She held out her hand. "I'm Shaquita, AKA Sailor Dark Moon. I would give you a better introduction but right now we have a CRISIS on our hands!!!"

"I know." He said, and then turned to Serena. "How are you doing, Usako?"

"Better, Mamo-chan, although I don't have the crystal anymore." She wept silently and Darien held her closer.

"I uhh, gotta go!" Raye said and quickly went outside.

"I guess she still has feelings for Darien," Lita surmised. "So, what are we gonna do about the crystal?"

"Well we could go to the Tokyo..." Mina started.

Just then Raye could be heard struggling outside. "Get off me!!! I mean it!!! I'm about five seconds from negaswiping you!!!"

"If we didn't have enough problems, now Raye's in trouble," Shaquita said. The scouts and Darien transformed and went outside.

"Hold it right there, failure scouts," Malachite said, putting a tighter choke hold on Raye. "Give me the onyx or the bitch gets it!!!"

"She may have a bitchy attitude but, I... don't know how to finish this sentence. Anyway there is no way you can get the Onyx from me!!! Dark Moon Chains of Oppression absorb!!!"

The chains hit an invisible shield in front of Malachite. "Tsk-tsk. Shouldn't have done that, now I'll have to take it out on your friend," He sucked some energy from Raye, making her go limp. "But since you want to fight I'll give you a fair chance," He let down the shield. "Now you may proceed."

"Moon Tiara..." Sailor Moon started.

"No!!!" Dark Moon yelled. "You may get him but you run the chance of hitting Raye," she sighed, "I know what I have to do." She walked towards Malachite, taking the brooch off her bow. She handed him the brooch and Malachite threw Raye to her.

"Smart choice, Sailor Brat. I'll see that Queen Beryl goes easy on you, NOT!!!" he laughed and disappeared.

Raye began to wake up. "You--you saved me?"

"Yeah," Shaquita laughed half-heartedly. "You thought that I was gonna steal y'all blind, instead I gave away the only link I had with my Grandmother to save you," She began to cry

Raye got a look of determination in her eyes. "I will get your onyx back, no matter what!!!"

The next day the scouts were at the temple, planning a way to get the jewels back.

"Don't worry, I will get the Onyx back for you Shaquita!!!" Raye said to her.

"In the meantime," Luna did a flip and a purple pen appeared.

"Yeah, I know, transformation wand," Shaquita sighed, "but I don't think I'll be needing it for a while."

"You're not quitting, are you Shaquita?" Terra asked.

"Hell no!!! When have you known Shaquita to back down? I just need some time to myself."

"But what you have to learn, Shaquita is that the scouts life doesn't stop," Serena tried to explain.

"Are you tryin to say that I can't take off?" Shaquita got in her face.

"No, just, take this with you," Serena offered her the wand.

Shaquita took it and left the room.

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