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The Little Drumming Senshi

By K. Stallworth Copyright 1998

Malachite returned to Zoicite's quarters, "I got it, I got the onyx!!!"

"So let's take them to Jadeite," Zoicite said, getting ready to leave for the throne room.

"No, no, no, my sweet," Malachite put a hand on her shoulder, "Why should we let Jadeite get all the glory? Who says that we can't revive Queen Beryl ourselves?"

"Malachite!!!" Zoicite pushed away from him. "If it wasn't for Jadeite we wouldn't be alive!"

"And if Jadeite had done his job right in the first place we wouldn't be in this situation," Malachite replied.

"That's true," Zoicite said thoughtfully. "Okay, I'm in."

"Good. Follow me."

They snuck out of Zoicite's quarters and into the room where Queen Beryl was being held. They held the lockets high and lapsed into a slight trance-like state as the lockets began to glow. After a few minutes Malachite suddenly looked up.



"Is the crystal kinda, pulling this way?"

"Yeah, and?"

"Mine too, come over here for a second," he took the crystal and put it next to the onyx. The two jewels merged together.

"What is it?" Malachite asked. Zoicite shrugged, then put her hand on the side of the newly made locket and concentrated deeply. The Queen's skin slowly began to regain its color...

Shaquita looked out into the rain-soaked street from Serena's bedroom window. The scene looked so familiar to her that she began to flash back

"Shaquita, it's over," A male voice said.

"But why? Things are going so good. Is it something I've said? Is it something I've done?" A rain-soaked Shaquita asked on the verge of tears.

"It's not you, it's just that, never mind, it's just the way things are."

"But Richie, Tazzie-boo..."

"I'm not your Tazzie-boo. Just accept it and move on," he said and turned his back on her.

"Okay," Shaquita wiped the rain water off her face and narrowed her eyes, "but one thing's for sure, you're gonna want me back someday, only I'm not gonna be just a phonecall away. You're gonna search and sweat and go through hell tryna get me back!!!"

A tap on her shoulder brought her out of her daydream with a start. "Shaquita, can I ask you a couple of questions?"

"Yeah, sure Reenie," Shaquita replied.

"Are you Sailor Dark Moon?"

"How'd you know?"

"Well, everyone that hangs out with Serena turns out to be a scout, 'cept Molly n' Melvin

"Okay, just between you and me I am Sailor Dark Moon, but keep it on the downlow."

"Another thing, are you mad at me?"

"For what?" Shaquita was puzzled.

"I gave the crystal away," Reenie looked at the floor. "No-no-no," Shaquita pulled her onto her lap. "I know you're homesick, and, unfortunately, Zoicite knew that too. She played on that to trick you into giving her the crystal. But the Sailor scouts will find a way to get it back and to get you home. And, until we do, we're gonna do our best to protect you because we love you."

"Not Serena," she looked to the floor again, "she picks on me all the time."

Shaquita took Reenie's chin in her hand. "She loves you the most. She just doesn't realize it yet"

"How come?" she asked.

Shaquita thought of the episode where Serena and Darien found out that Reenie was their child from the future. "You both will find out soon enough." She looked out the window for a minute. "Hey, cotton-candy head, y-wanna get some ice cream before the parlor closes?" "In the rain???"

"Sure, go get your rain coat."

In the Black Realm, Malachite and Zoicite were still working on the revival of Queen Beryl.

"I think she's coming around..." Zoicite observed.

Queen Beryl's eyes fluttered open, she sucked in a long breath and let it out in a high-pitched wail, "Noooooooooooo!!!"

Malachite hid the Crystalline Onyx in his dimensional pocket.

"Wha... where am I? She struggled to focus. "What are you doing here? I thought you two were dead. I thought I was dead!!!"

"We were," Zoicite replied. We were revived by Je...oomph!!!" Malachite jabbed her in the stomach, "uhh, some outside force."

"Where's Jadeite?" Queen Beryl asked, sitting up.

"Oh, he's been broken out of his crystal. He's in the throne room acting like he's ruler," Malachite said, rolling his eyes. "He didn't even want to revive you, we had to sneak."

"Where is he?" Queen Beryl growled, regaining her evilly cold stare.

Malachite grinned, "He's in the throne room like I said," he answered smugly. Queen Beryl struggled to her feet and made her way to the throne room.

"Okay, I understand why you don't want Jadeite to know what we've done," Zoicite explained, "but why don't you want Queen Beryl to know we have the crystal?"

"In due time you will understand, my dear," Malachite took out the Crystalline Onyx and gazed at it, "In due time."

Queen Beryl snuck around the back of the throne where Jadeite was calculating his next move. "So, you wanted to take over, huh?!?" she yelled, startling him badly.

"Uhh, Queen!!!" he hurriedly got out of the throne and bowed deeply. "I was not expecting you as I had not..."

"Had not figured on the loyalty of Zoicite and Malachite!!! I don't know how you escaped the crystal but I will make sure that you will never darken my doorstep again, traitor!!!" She raised her hands to do a spell.

"T-traitor?!?!?" he stammered, No, I'm not-- you see-- NOOO!!!" again he was encased in the dark crystal, again entranced in an eternal sleep.

"And to make sure you don't return..." she raised her hands to do another incantation. The crystal split into five smaller crystals and along with it, Jadeite. Then the crystals went into different dimensional vortices. She looked around the remains of the throne room. Even though Jadeite called himself ruler, you could tell he hadn't done anything to rebuild the realm from the battle with Sailor Moon. "The first thing I'll have to do is to rebuild. Then I'll resume my business with Sailor Moon," Queen Beryl smiled as she settled into her throne.

"Rain or shine, I'm happy when, I am with Shaquita Lynn, She makes me smile she makes me grin, I just love Shaquita Lynn!!!" Reenie sung out as Shaquita carried her piggyback down the street.

"I think you'd better save that song for Tuxedo Mask," she giggled as she adjusted her raincap.

"How'd you know about that?" Reenie asked.

"Uhh, I guessed?" She replied shakily.

"Let's play a game!" Reenie yelled, "Let's see if you can get to the parlor blindfolded!!!" She covered Shaquita's eyes.

"Reenie!!!" she struggled to get her hands off. "Quit playing! I might run into-- oomph!!" The duo fell to the ground as they hit someone. "Oh I am so sorry!" The figure helped her up. "I couldn't-- Richard?!? What are you doing here???"

"Well I was looking for you actually," he pulled Shaquita close and kissed her on the cheek. "I was in the neighborhood and thought I could stop by."

"Richard," she looked him up and down, "you live in Cincinnati, Okinawa is not just around the corner."

"Okay, okay, I'll level with you," he put his hand on the back of his neck and a teardrop appeared on his forehead. "I missed you terribly so I hopped a plane the first chance I got. I just had to see you again."

"That's not how you acted last time I saw you," she said evilly.

"Shaquita!!!" Reenie pulled on her raincoat, "can we go now?!?"

Shaquita looked at her watch, "Well, if your plan was to make a kid miss her ice cream, you succeeded." She kneeled down to Reenie's eye level, "Cotton-candy head, the ice cream parlor just closed, thanks to Mr. Silva!!!" she shot an evil glance towards him, "but I promise you I'll make it up by taking you there tomorrow."

"And the video arcade?" Reenie pressed.

Shaquita nodded, "Kay, Crown Center Video arcade it is."

"And the toy store???" she ventured further.

"Don't push it, Shortie." she stood up and noticed the rain getting harder. "Well, guess we'd better get inside before we drown. You come on too, Richard. We really have to talk!" Richard took one of Reenie's hands and Shaquita took the other, and as the trio walked down the street Reenie thought to herself, "That's funny, this feels familiar, feels like I'm walking with my friend Quita's parents," she looked at Shaquita's face, then Richard's, "Nah, couldn't be."

The next day the scouts paced the floor of the one of the temple rooms. Everyone was there, except Shaquita.

I bet I did it," Amy said, "I pushed her way too hard and now she's run away."

"I've never known you to push," Ohiko replied, "It was just the pressures of being a scout."

"But I've never known Shaquita to back down from a challenge before" Terra said, sounding very worried.

"She's never been a scout before" Mina stated. "This is one of the hardest things to comprehend in life, I understand why she ran away."

"I'm still worried," Serena said.

"Hey, I could read the fire to see if she's all right!!!" Raye yelled. Then the girls stampeded to fire-reading room to see.

Raye began to chant. "Oh, great fire, tell us where Shaquita is so that we may rest." The fire roared up and then died down. "Shaquita is with a young man from her past."

"We're here worried and all she's done is spent the night with some boy? When I see her I'm gonna murder her!!!" Lita yelled.

"Calm down Lita" Ohiko said. "Maybe this is all she needs to feel normal for a while.

"Oh, so I'm not normal?" Serena asked.

"Not even if you weren't the moon princess!!!" Mina laughed.

"Wait a minute, I'm getting another vision." Raye looked deeper into the fire. "Jadeite has just been killed???"

"What did it???"

"I don't know, I just lost the vision."

Just then they heard laughter outside the temple door. The girls ran back to the room they were in previously and sat down. Shaquita, Reenie and a strange man entered the room. "Hey peeps, sup?"

"Where were you last night?" Serena whispered fiercely to Shaquita, pulling her off to the side. "And who is he? You know this room is for scouts and scout business only!"

"To answer your first question I needed some me time, and as for your second question," Shaquita stepped to the rest of the group, "Everybody this is Richard from Cincinnati. Richard, this is Serena, Mina, Amy, Lita, Raye, Ohiko, and you already know Terra."

"Hmm, five of those names sound familiar," Richard paused in thought. "Oh yeah, they're from that cartoo-"

Shaquita covered his mouth quickly. "There is no connection to that Anime and these people, I assure you."

"So, Shaquita," Mina started "This is your, umm, what do you call it, Boo?"

"No!!!" Shaquita yelled, then mumbled under her breath, "But it's not like I don't wish he was."

Richard heard her and thought to himself. "Your wish is about to come true."

Terra thought Shaquita's reaction to Mina's question was a little strange. "I'm gonna hafta look into this." "Shaquita I have to really talk to you." Raye said quickly, and dragged her outside."

Once Shaquita felt they were out of earshot she spoke. "What is it?!?"

"I just got some news from the fire that Jadeite has been killed."

"Good, let's go celebrate."

"We can't!!!" She yelled, and then jumped because she thought Richard had heard. "We have to concentrate on getting the jewels back!!!"

"We have to have a break, Raye!!!" She yelled back. "We don't have the mental energy to continue like this!!! What if were fighting and one of us has a nervous breakdown??? Anyway from what I've seen from the show nothing happens until the last minute and that's tomorrow." "Okay, we leave scout business alone for one day," Raye consented.

They went back into the room.

"We've made a decision that since Richard's here we'll give him a tour." Shaquita announced.

"So where do you wanna go first?" Ohiko asked.

"How about the Crown Center Video arcade?" Reenie suggested.

"Oh cool," Richard replied. "Do they have Sailor V down here?"

"Of course, why?" Mina asked.

"Because I'm the best and I have to keep in practice!!!" he stuck his thumbs in his armpits.

"We'll just see about that!!!" Mina yelled, grabbed him by the arm, and dragged him down the streets, the rest of the girls following them with teardrops on the back of their heads.

Later on at the Crown center video arcade it was the same scene as usual, Mina talking to the game and breathing feverently.

"Punch, Kick, ooh watch out!!!"

"That's not gonna help your score any," Richard snickered. "And this," he pushed a rapid sequence of buttons, "Should put you out of your misery." The game sang out "Player two, you lose"

"Da-aa-aa-m!!!" Shaquita yelled.

"What? You never seen somebody do a combo like that before?" Richard asked.

"No, it's just that no one has ever beaten Mina like that before, EVER!!!" Lita explained. "I mean, just look at her!!!" Everyone looked over to Mina to see her, red and steaming. Lita got up and went over to her. "L-lets go get a milkshake!!!"

"So what do you wanna do now?" Raye asked.

"Let's go to the Osa-P!!!" Ohiko exclaimed.

"Why?" Shaquita asked.

"Well, for one, they have a sale going on. And two, we need to get Mina out of here!!!"

Mina came over to the table they were sitting at and began ranting and raving. "Oh, yeah, I'll sit down, I'll have a milkshake, but after that I want a REMATCH!!!"

The rest of the scouts groaned.

"This is a perfect time to kill the scouts once and for all!!!" Malachite said as he watched the scouts through a magic hand mirror.

"Are you sure you want to attack them with just plain energy?" Zoicite asked, not sure if the plan was going to work. "I mean if they defeat it, that is all our energy resources just gone."

"How will they defeat it?!?" Malachite laughed. "We have the crystals, there is no way they could even attempt to fight it."

"Well, I guess that does make sense," she replied. "Let's do it."

Back at the Osa-P it was the same scene as usual. All the girls pressed against a showcase, oohing and aahing over a piece of jewelry they couldn't afford in a million years.

Richard got impatient. "Let's go, Shaquita! I'm ready to go!!!"

"You shouldn't have come to Okinawa then if you wanted to go home!!!" She yelled back. "Now wait."

Raye felt an evil presence outside. The evil was so strong that it caused her to bump her head on the glass. "Terra, I sense something outside, go see what it is." She whispered.

"And lose my spot on the display case?" Terra laughed, "Shaquita you go."

She stood up "I'll be right back, Richard."

"And where are you going?" he asked.

"Out of my mind," Shaquita sneered. "Is it any of your business anyway? I said I'd be right back!!!"

Shaquita ran outside only to find an eight-foot monster, all black. "I'm here for the dark moon girl," it growled.

"And I'm here because my friends made me, point?" She asked. The monster swung at her and she rolled out of the way just in time. Then she transformed.

"Prepare to meet thy doom, Sailor Scout!!!" It yelled.

"Before I do, try this on for size! Dark Moon Chains of Oppression Absorb!!!" The monster was absorbed entirely into the chains. "That was easy enough, but somebody is gonna be hyper tonight!!!" She de-transformed and went back towards the Osa-P, where Terra met her outside.

"Well, what happened?" She asked.

"Nothing really," She said, hands shaking. "It was made of pure energy, so when I zapped it, it disappeared."

Richard came outside. "Let's go!!!" he said very impatiently.

"I guess it would be smart to go home, it is close to dinnertime," Shaquita said thoughtfully. "Ohiko, you ready?"

Ohiko looked around at the ten bags she had in her hands. "I guess I've done all the shopping I need for today, yeah, we can go."

Richard looked up at the sky "It's getting kinda dark. Does everyone have someone to walk with?"

"Let's see," Raye said thoughtfully. "Mina is coming over to the temple. Terra is getting a ride from Darien from the temple, Ohiko and Lita live right down the street, and Amy lives around the corner from here. Yup, that takes care of everyone.

"I think you overlooked two little things, Raye," Shaquita mentioned.


"Us!!!" Serena and Shaquita yelled. "We have to transfer buses and then walk!!!"

"I'll walk with you," Richard volunteered.

"That's just fine with me." Serena hooked arms with Richard.

"I thought Mamo-Chan was your Senshi!!!" Shaquita said through clenched teeth.

"Oh yeah, heh-heh" She pulled away.

"S.S. Meeting tomorrow." Raye yelled as they walked off. "What's that?" Richard asked.

"Nunya," Shaquita said.


"Nunya bidness!!!"

Shaquita, Serena and Richard finally reached their door. Shaquita went to go inside when Richard stopped her. "Shaquita I need to talk to you." They both looked at Serena who was listening intently. "Alone."

"Serena, I think I hear Mrs. Tsukino calling you," Shaquita said.

"Well you didn't have to lie," Serena got indignant. "I would have left if you would have asked!" She turned and walked in the house.

"Well, Shaquita, I'm gonna get straight to the point." Richard fidgeted. "I didn't come all the way around the world just to visit."

"That's for damn sure."

"Let me finish. I realized something while you were gone. I walked around with something missing from my heart. Yeah, I tried to fill it up with other things, other girls. But they never lived up to what you used to do for me. Then I realized what the problem was, they weren't you. Shaquita, I want you, need you back in my life," He stepped closer to her and tried to embrace her but Shaquita stepped away.

"Oh, so little brotha man gets a little lonely and he wants to come crawling back," Shaquita folded her arms. "Well you hurt me bad, Richard. I don't know how long it might take me to forgive you.I don't even know if I have room in my life for you anymore" She turned away from him.

"I don't care!!!" Richard turned her back to face him. "I learned something when I left you. I left the best thing that ever happened to me, and I will do anything, I mean ANYTHING to get it back." And then, quite unexpectedly, Richard kissed Shaquita, causing her to transfer him the energy from her earlier ordeal. After a while he let her go. "I'll see you tomorrow. Bye Shaquita."

She lent against the door, overwhelmed from his past actions. "Bye Richard," she said in a questioning half-whisper. After a few minutes of trying to figure out what just happened she shrugged and went in the house.

Later on after dinner the girls undid their odango and were brushing each other's hair when Serena started the interrogation.

"So, what did Richard say to you out there? Does he wanna be with you?"

"Girl I will not tell you!!" She yelled. "All of Okinawa will know by tomorrow!!!"

"I won't tell anyone, Scouts honor!!! Come on, tell me!"

"Business, get you some!!!" But I will tell you one thing. You are so lucky."


"Well, Darien is a Senshi, it doesn't matter whether or not he knows you're Sailor Moon or not. I have to keep this from Richard, and it hurts so much."

"Ah, so he did ask you out!!!" Serena giggled.

"Hey, I didn't say that!!!" Shaquita popped her with a pillow.

"Ah, so it's a pillow fight you want?" Serena picked up a pillow. "Well enguard, Shaquita!!!" She swiped her across the face.

She stood up on the bed "Bonzai, Odango-Atama!!!" She jumped off and clobbered her.

"Wait!!! No fair!!!" Serena started to cry. "You hit me in the eye!!! Wah!!!"

"It's your fault!!!" Shaquita put her hands on her hips. "You could have left it alone when I hit you the first time. But no, you wanted a fight." She said sarcastically.

Serena was just about to really bawl when the phone rang. She went down the hall to answer it. After a few minutes she yelled back, "Shaquita, phone for you."

She came down the hallway and took the phone. Instead of Serena going back into the room she hid behind the partition and listened in.


"Hey girl, its Terra."

"Oh hey, sup?"

"What happened between you and Richard? When I left Aiken you were on the way to becoming the hottest Falcon couple!!!"

"I know, but Richard had to listen to his ego!!!"

"How so?"

"Well, you know how people would call me that ugly girl with the blue weave?"

"But that hair is naturally blue!!!"

"I know, them stupid mutha fuckas. Anyway, when everyone found out that I went out with him, they started capping on him too, and he didn't wanna take it.

"So why is he here now?"

"I guess he got over his ego problem, cuz he's asking for me back."

"And you said yes, right?"

"No not really."

"So he's out on his ass?"

"I didn't say that either!!!"

"So what are you gonna do?"

"I don't know. I kinda want him back, but I don't know, he hurt me so bad. I don't even know if I have room in my life for him now, with this Sailor Scout stuff.

"Well whatever you do, make sure it's right for you. And let me know all the details."

"Alright girl, I'll see you tomorrow.

As soon as Shaquita hung up the phone, Serena jumped out from the back of the partition. "Aha, so I was right! You are planning on going back with Richard!!! See, the Senshi of love and justice knows about these things and… errgh!!!"

Shaquita had effortlessly jumped from her position and pinned her to the floor with her elbow. "You breathe one syllable of this to anyone and you won't have to worry about the negaverse, you'll have to look out for me, understand?!?" Serena nodded slowly and Shaquita let her up. "Fine, let's go to bed."

The next day at the temple the scout were finalizing plans on getting the crystals back for good.

"Well, the conditions are right for a dimentional tear to occur at the Tokyo Tower at about 9:36 tonight." Amy said, looking up from her palm computer.

"So now we have a where and when," Shaquita said thoughtfully, "All we need is a how."

"Ooh, can I go? I'll be extra good!" Reenie said hopefully.

"No," Everyone said in deadpan.

"Well maybe we could…" Ohiko started, then stopped short as she saw someone enter the temple room.

"Uhh, hi Richard," Shaquita said nervously. "I thought I told you that I didn't need to be picked up until one o'clock."

"I know, I just came to see what this S.S. meeting was about. Or should I say, Sailor Scout?"

The scouts gasped and looked to Shaquita, who could only shrug and shake her head.

"S-so how'd you find us out?" Raye asked shakily.

"Shaquita told me all about that stupid cartoon," Richard said and Shaquita let out a restful sigh as she realized what he was getting at. "It's not bad enough that you got up in the wee hours of the morning to watch it, but now you act it out? Shameful.

"This from a man who watches Wrestle-Mania every Saturday morning," Shaquita shook her head.

"Gee Mal, whaddawe do now?" Zoicite said, doing a perfect impression of Axel Gator from Taz-Mania.

"I've been thinking, the only way the scouts have been defeating us is with the jewels, right?"

"Yeah," She said, not knowing what he was getting at.

"Well we could use the crystals against them in a youma and defeat them once and for all!!!"

"Malachite!!!" Zoicite yelled. "That is too risky!!! What if they defeat the monster?"

"That's the fun part, without the jewels they can't"

"I don't know…"

"Just trust me."

"Richard, next time I say a certain time, please don't come until-" Shaquita was interrupted by a noise from outside.

"Sailor Scouts!!!!!" it yelled.

"Uhh, could you watch Reenie for a second?" Shaquita asked as the scouts ran outside.

They met up with a villain the likes of which they had never dealt with before. It looked like Sailor Moon, but something was wrong. The left side of her was colored like Sailor Dark Moon, including the hair and skin.

"This is the end of you Sailor Scouts!!!"

The scouts transformed and then Sailors Moon and Dark Moon stepped up to her. "Ah, so you're a wanna be," Sailor Dark Moon laughed.

"Well, I am Sailor Moon, The original!!!"

"And I am Sailor Dark Moon, Copyright 1981!!!"

"And on behalf of the Moon we will uphold all copyright laws!" They yelled simultaneously.

"let me take care of her!!!" Mars yelled. "Mars Fire, Ignite!!!"

The youma sidestepped the attack easily. "This should take care of you, "Dark Fire, Ignite!" she yelled, and a black fire ball hit Mars straight in the legs, causing her to fall.

"Damn, she's strong!!!" Mercury thought to herself, "Let me scan to find her power source." She hid behind a tree and pulled out her palm computer.

"She's too strong," Dark Moon yelled, "let me take her energy and pass it on to you, Moon!!!" Dark Moon Chains of Oppression absorb!!!"

The attack went out as usual but something was wrong. When the chains reached the negascout energy was taken from Dark Moon instead of the Dark Scout. She broke the chains quickly and fell to the ground."Sailor Earth?" she said weakly.

"I'm on it!!!She yelled. "Sun do a Super Nova!!!"

"Solaris Super Nova!!!"

"Earth Life absorb!!!" she yelled quickly to absorb most of the energy.

The remainder of the attack hit the negascout, knocking her into the tree behind her. She got up stunned, but unharmed."Damn, my attacks usually disintegrate people," Sun said, "how strong is this thing?"

"I've got it!!!" Mercury yelled. "That locket on its chest powers it!!!" She yelled, then scanned the locket itself with her visor. "It contains the Moon Crystal and the Onyx!!!" She yelled surprised.

"The Onyx?!?" Dark Moon yelled.

"Anytime now!!!" Earth yelled, hands shaking.

"Give me the energy!!!" Dark Moon yelled.

"It's too much for one scout!" She protested.

"Give it to me!!!" She shrieked.
Earth relented. "Energy Return!!!"

Dark Moon struggled with the energy, "Everyone… Down!!!!" She turned towards the negascout. "You picked the wrong scout to fuck with, Bitch! Dark Moon Super Charged Roses Pierce!!!"

The roses came out glowing gold instead of black, and exploded on contact. The roses stunned the scout and she started to fall back, but afterwhile began to absorb the roses. Dark Moon, not seeing this, ran up to the scout and tried to rip the locket off her chest.

The dark scout grabbed her by the arms and blasted her with the energy saved from the roses. She laughed as Dark Moon fell to the ground. "Two down, six to go," she said, and started to finish her off.

Just then, a drumstick javelined into the ground between the scouts. "Step away from her." A low voice said Dark Moon looked towards the voice

"Ri-Richie?". Everyone turned towards the temple where Richard stood at a fighter's stance, a symbol glowing on his forehead.

"Who are you?" she screeched.

"Your worst nightmare," he said evilly, and sent a barrage of drumsticks, causing her to stagger backwards.

"Mercury Bubbles Blast!!!" Mercury yelled, then turned towards Richard. "Aim for her locket.

He nodded and threw a small cymbal whick severed the locket from her bow. When it hit the ground it fell apart into the Crystal and Onyx.

"Venus Crescent Beam Smash!!!" She yelled, knocking the scout away from the jewels so Jupiter could pick them up.

Once Moon had her crystal in hand she threw the transformation wand aside. "Lets do this. Moon Scepter Elimination!!!"

"This can't be!!!" The dark scout yelled. "I've been…"

"Moon dusted!!!" Moon finished her sentence.

Richard ran over to Dark Moon and held her up "Shaquita, are you okay?"

"You, you can recognize me?"  She asked.

Moon walked over to the couple and whispered to Dark Moon "I guess I'm not the only lucky one anymore.