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Be Afraid, I'm Coming Home toYou By K. Stallworth. Copyright 1998

    Shaquita ran towards her house down the dimly lit street. Despite the steady downpour of rain that stuck the Odango tails to her back, her bangs to her forhead, there was a dense fog which made it almost impossible to see. A scream was heard through the streets, followed by maniacal laughter. "Tyra!!!" Shaquita screamed as she ran through her front gate. She turned the corner and ran up the stairs, two at a time, but it seems as if she was running in slow motion. She burst through the front door and tried to run into the living room, but a force field knocked her back into the wall. She pressed her face against the force-field to see her mother, grandmother, sister, and brother encased in thick glass, frozen. Zoicite suddenly appeared floating in the center of the room. She laughed that anoyingly hideous laugh and kicked the encasing of her mother, shattering it into millions of shards. Shaquita cried uncontrollably as she did the same with the rest of her family. Zoicite floated to the force-field, reached through, grabbing Shaquita's collar, and said, "You're next."
    "Noooo!!!" Shaquita shot bolt upright in her bed, drenched with sweat. She looked to her roomates to see if she had awakened them. Reenie stirred slightly in her sleep. Serena, on the other hand, still slept soundly. Shaquita wiped her forehead and looked at the clock. A mean looking 1:35 beamed back at her. She thought briefly about calling home. At the same time the phone rang, startling her so bad she fell out of the bed. She looked again to make sure she had not awakened the other two odango. (Nope, still sleep) Then she went to answer the phone.
     "Shaquita? Good, just the person I wanted to talk to," A voice said on the other end.
    "Raye?!?" Shaquita whispered fiercely into the receiver. "What's wrong with your communicator? You could have woken the whole house!!!"
    "Uhh, well," Raye fumbled for words "It's not important. Anyway I just had a vision about you and..."
    "Zoicite? Yeah, I just had that dream too. What are we gonna do?"

    "What can we do? I don't even recognize anyone out of those people except you and Zoicite! And that place...."
    "My family, my home," Shaquita paused in silence. "I gotta go back!"

    "Go back? Go back where?"

    "Go home!!! I gotta make sure that my family's alright!!!"

    "Why!?! We don't even know anything for sure yet!!!"

    "Two people having the same exact dream and we don't know anything for sure?!?"

    "Okay, at least let me read the fire later on today. If anything comes up, we all go."

    " That does sound better, I don't think I could face Zoicite by myself anyway. Thanks"

    "Zoicite!!!" Queen Beryl summoned her final General to her presence.

    "Yes, my Queen?" She appeared and bowed deeply.

    " I have been informed that Malachite has been killed, is this correct?"

    "Yes, my Queen." She fought back tears. " You will have to take over his mission. How will you go about getting the crystal and this new power jewel, the onyx?"
    "I have been making some plans, but none have been finalized. I want to scout this place that has been found to have a lot of energy, Cincinnati. If I want to do anything I will have to replenish the energy resources that Malachite and Jedite have delpleted."

    "Very good, report back to me when you have finalized a plan."

    "Yes, my Queen."

    That afternoon the scouts waited at the temple for Richard.

    "This is strange, Serena is here on time and Richard is late?" Raye stated.

    "Only reason she's on time is 'cuz I dragged her here by the Odango! As for Richard..." Shaquita started.

    "My head still hurts from that!" Serena whined. "Anywayz, I had the strangest dream last night!"

    "See, she had it too!!!" Shaquita yelled.

    "So that's why were here? You and Raye had a dream about a giant Onigry eating the town and the only thing the moon wand will do is spit out soy sauce?"

    "Never mind," Shaquita groaned and held her head.

    "Hey guys, Que tal?" Richard ran into the study room.

    "Sorry I'm late, what's wrong?"

    "Shaquita and I had this weird dream last night about Zoicite and her family..." Raye began

    "Glass encasings? Whoa, no vayas alli!"

    "Why not?" Shaquita asked.

    "I had the same exact dream last night!!!" Richard exclaimed.

    "See! we all had the same dream!!! That's reason enough for me to go home!!!" Shaquita yelled.

    "Go home?!?" The rest of the scouts yelled.

    "Well," Raye started. "We've all had this dream, or should I say, mass vision, that Zoicite is going to attack Cincinnati, Shaquita wants to go home and prevent this.

    "Then let's go with her!!!" Terra yelled.

    "Yeah!!!" Ohiko chimed in "I've heard they have the most chic shopping malls there!!!"

    "And I've heard they have the cutest boys there!!!" Mina yelled. "Oooh!!!" The rest of the scouts jumped up, their heart-shaped eyes bugging out.
    "Well, I've got my 'cute guys' right here!" she pulled Richard close. "Anyway, that's not why we're going. I have to save my family.

    "That's right!!!" Amy said. "But how are we gonna get there?"
    "Easy, we teleport," Lita suggested.

    "Scratch that," Amy shook her head. "We'll be gone too long, we can't take luggage, and there's too many of us."

    "I've got it!!! I type up some permission slips from our respected schools, asking for money of course. We take a plane, and we all enroll in Aiken Sr High for a cover!!!" Shaquita said, very excited

    "Calada!!! Swoop!!!" Richard yelled.

    "Well, what should I pack?" Ohiko asked. "I've never been outside of Okinawa and Nara before."

    "Just the basic sleep-away camp gear. Not too many clothes because I know you're gonna go shopping the first chance you get anyway." Shaquita thought for a moment. "Everyone get your birth certificates translated to english 'cuz you'll need them.

    "Why?" Ohiko asked.

    "We'll need jobs. That and your passports will get you one."

    "Work?!?" Serena sweatdropped. "I already have the most important job of Sailor Moon, why should I have to work?!?"

    "Cuz being Sailor Moon doesn't pay very well, now does it?" Shaquita shook her head. "We should be out of here in a couple of days. Let's get moving!!!"

    One week later at the Lunken Airport... "We're here!!!" Shaquita was the first to get off the plane along with Richard and Trevon. She stood there for a moment, hugging Trevon tightly around the neck.

    "Uhh, Quita? Trevon can't breathe," he writhed as he turned blue.

    "Oops, sorry," she released her grip some.

    Richard, on the other hand, was looking quite green. "Shaq, do you know where the bathroom is?" He said weakly.

    "Right that way," She had pointed in a direction and had just barely gotten the words out of her mouth when Richard took off, holding his mouth. "Poor baby," she said as she descended down the stairs.

    "Doesn't look that much different from Hikawa airport," Serena observed, holding Luna in a pet-carring case, "where are all the gang-bangers?"
    "Serena you are such a ditz!" Raye said, pushing her forward. "Just go ahead!!!"

     "Yeah!!!" Move!!!" Everyone yelled from behind.

    "Okay, okay, sheesh!!!" Everyone then unloaded the plane.

    Darien, the last to get off, looked at the gradually changing leaves surrounding the runway and said, "I should have come here for my vacation.

    "Well, off to my house," Shaquita said as soon as Richard returned from driving the porcelain bus. She took one look at him and said, "Maybe you should sit in the front by yourself. Taxi!!!"

    The scouts rolled up on what was supposed to be Shaquita's apartment building, instead they found a yellow bulldozer. Seeing this, Shaquita, instead of waiting for the cab to pull over, got out in the middle of the busy street and stopped the man operating the bulldozer. "What happened here?" She yelled.

    "Lightning storm!" he yelled over the noise of the motor. "Struck this place four times, second floor fell in on the first!!!"

    "I'm too late!!!" She whispered and fell to the ground.

    Richard jumped out of the cab and picked her up, trying to revive her. He looked up to the man "What happened to the tenants?"

    "How should I know? I'm only the demolition worker!!!"

    Richard finally managed to awaken Shaquita and helped her back to the cab. As she slumped into the seat she whispered again "I'm too late, Zoicite's already destroyed my mom's apartment, I'm too late," She looked into her lap and her eyes began to tear up. "I'm too late."

    "Maybe not," Richard said thoughtfully. "Driver, take us to East Clifton Street!!!" Once they got there the group, with Shaquita in the lead, got out of the cab, ran up the stairs, and Shaquita knocked on the door furiously.

    "I'm coming, hold up!!!" a voice hollered from the other side of the door. The door finally opened.
    "Mama!!!" She yelled, dropping her bags to hug her. "I thought you were gone!!!"
    "Why'd you think that?"
    "I just heard about the building."

    "No one was in there at the time, thank the Lord, even the store downstairs was empty. Uh, Shaq," she said, finally looking past her, "Besides Richard, who are all these people?"

    "Oh, yeah," She put a hand to the back of her neck, "This is Raye Hino, Serena Tsukino, Terra McKenzie, Ohiko Taiyo, Amy Mizuno, Lita Kino, Mina Aino, and Darien Chiba. These are all friends of mine who I stayed with in Okinawa, and I was wondering..."

    "No, uh-uh! All these people can not stay here!!!"

    "Come on ma! I stayed with these people for a whole year and they can't stay here?!? It'll only be until school is out and Darien isn't even staying here!!! Pul-eeese?!?!?!?!?"

    "Okay, but this ain't gonna be no vacation for them! Do they have school clothes for tomorrow?"

    "School is tomorrow?!?" Shaquita jumped, then grabbed the phone. " I got work to do!!!"

    Later that day in Shaquita's Room... "Okay, thank you, goodbye," Shaquita hung up the phone. She handed out papers to the girls. "These are your schedules. Fortunately, we all have the same sixth bell, JROTC, unfortunately, we have different lunches. Me, Serena, Amy, Lita and Ohiko have first lunch, Richard, Raye, Mina, and Terra second. We do all communications before First bell, before sixth bell, and, in emergencies, through Mr. Allen's window off the patio during second lunch. Got it?"

    "Got it!" everyone replied in unison.

    "Zoicite, have you scouted this, Cincinnati?" Queen Beryl asked.

    "Yes, I was almost found out though. I just barely dodged a helicopter and in doing so I let off some energy beams. I demolished a building but I don't think I was..."

    "Yes, yes, very well and good," she cut Zoicite off. "Have you finalized any plans for the recapture of the jewels?"

    "Not yet, your majesty, I'm still in the process of replenishing our energy resources.

    "And how will you go about that?"

    "School is almost back in for the Cincinnatians and school children have a lot of energy. From my studies this particular school, Aiken Senior High, this fact is especially so. I will start there, building up energy until I have enough to attack.

    "Very good, Zoicite, Maybe I should have had you as a General before. Then we wouldn't be in this situation.

    "Thank you, my Queen, " she disappeared.

    The next day at Aiken... "I still don't see why you wanted to wear those school uniforms," Shaquita shook her head, obviously embarrased.

    "You mean, we don't have to wear uniforms?!?" Serena asked, stars dancing in her eyes. "We're allowed to use our own artistic abilities and orchestrate our own outfits to suit our individual tastes?!?!?" She jumped up and down.

    "Do you see anyone else in uniform?" They looked around and, sure enough, no one was in uniform. "We'll go shopping after school."

    "Alright!!! After-School shopping trip!!!" Ohiko yelled.

    "Let's get through today first!" Richard sighed. Just then a bell rang. Everyone scattered to their classes.

    "I'll see you all later!!!" Shaquita yelled.


    Later on that day, Zoicite appeared over the school's patio. "Hmm. this should be fairly easy," she though to herself. "I'll just use the Giga Monster." She transformed herself into a sample lady and landed in the middle of the patio. A bell rang and soon the patio was filled with people. "Hurry! Limited time offer! Free new and improved Giga Pets!!!"
    "What's so new and improved about these?" A young woman asked as she took one.

    "Try one and find out!" Zoicite smiled. Soon there was a crowd of people around the "Giga Pet Lady". Just then, Shaquita, Terra, Raye, and Serena walked out from one of the buildings. Shaquita saw the crowd of people and wondered what was going on.

    "What's up, Frklic?" Shaquita stopped a short young man with long brown hair and pointed to the crowd.

    "He kinda looks like Chad," Raye frowned. "Yeah, a goofy looking Chad," Terra giggled.
    "Some lady's giving out Giga pets" he said, heavily accenting his T's. "Who are these fine young ladies???"

    "I'm sure they have no interest in you, Sparky. These are a few of my friends form Okinawa and they don't speak much english."

    "Jesus!!!" Frklic yelled. "Don't be so temperamental!!!" He flipped his hair and walked away.
    "What'd ya do that for?" Terra asked.

    "Trust me, you'll thank me later," Shaquita replied, now about these free Giga Pets. That's awful strange..."

    "No it's not, it's totally cool!!! I've always wanted one of those!!!" Serena jumped up and down, then ran toward the lady. "Can I have two? Puh-leeese?!?!?"

    "I'm getting some weird vibes from her," Raye said. "Strong ones."

    "The whole thing is weird," Shaquita said. "Cincinnati Public Schools are poor as church mice. They can't afford to give us up to date books, let alone give away something that's actually fun."

    "Someone better take that from Serena so Amy can analize it," Raye stared at her.
    "Easier said than done, who's gonna be brave enough to do that?" Terra asked, while everyone watched Serena giggle uncontrollably while playing with the new toy.

    "Fools, these children," Zoicite thought to herself. "Never questioning a free gift. But let them continue," She laughed that trademark laugh, "The more they play, the more energy I collect for the negaverse. And when they reach the final stage..." She laughed uncontrollably.

    "Okay, let's get out dat sheet of notebook paper so you can take deese notes." Mr. Allen walked toward the blackboard in front of his fifth bell algebra class class. "We will be studying, The principle, of the probability..."

    "I think I have it," Amy whispered. " This device is made to suck energy for..."

    "The negaverse!!!" Shaquita, Raye, Ohiko,and Serena chimed in.

    "Ahight let's have dat quiet," Mr Allen looked directly at the group.

    "Gomen nasa," Amy said.


    "She said sorry," Shaquita explained.

    Outside,at lunch, everyone was playing with their new Giga pets, getting more and more tired from the energy draining device.

    All of a sudden a girl yelled out  "I did it!!! I made it to the last stage" The toy did a little fanfare. Another fanfare was heard from across the patio, then another, and another. Soon the whole patio was filled with computer-like music. The giga pets began shaking, then flew to the center most part of the patio. They melted down and from the pool of plastic arose a large "Giga baby"

    "Your energy is mine, falcons!!!" He began to suck their energy.

    "Uh-oh, trouble on the patio," Ohiko said, looking out the window.

    "We gotta get out there!" Shaquita whispered fiercely.

    "Let me handle this," Serena said, then walked to the teacher's desk.

    "Most honorable Sensei-Allen," she bowed, "Might we be allowed to use the facilities.?"

    "Is dis girl fo' real?" He asked.

    Shaquita shook her head, "Hey Allen, can we go to the bathroom.

    "Go ahead," Mr. Allen replied. They went out the door and ran to the bathroom. "Welcome to the nastiest place on campus," Shaquita said, holding her nose.

    "Mun crizdal powah!"

    "Mahs Stah powah!"

    "Mecuhry Stah Powah!"

    "Solahis Stah powah!"

    "Dahk Mun Onyx Powah!"

    "Puuu!!!!!" The scouts ran out of the bathroom.

    "Why'd you take us in that skunkroom?!?" Mars yelled, finally unplugging her nose.

    "Now I don't have to tell you don't go in there!" Dark Moon replied. "Okay let's go!"

    The scouts ran outside to find the giant giga pet draining all the students' energy. "Let me show him the true meaning of swoop!!!" Mars yelled. "Mars Firebird Strike!!!"
    "The bird "swooped"down on the monster, melting his back. He turmed around and growled menacingly.

    "Oh great, you made him mad," Sun rolled her eyes. Let me take care of him! Solaris Super Nova!!!"

    "That's it, it's over," Sailor Moon held her head. Surprisingly the attack did what it was supposed to do and nothing more. The Giga monster disintergrated into a slimy green pulp. then the students began to wake up.

    "Sailor Moon?!? It can't be, that's only a cartoon!" a girl yelled.

    "I don't care!!!" A dude said as he stood up. "Five slimmies with the phat sailor suits on?!? I'm bout to get my mack on!!!"

    "Uhh oh, we better dip," Sailor Dark Moon said worriedly.

    "Why?" Mars asked.

    "Lets just say that I haven't prepared a statement for the public!!!" Dark Moon yelled while turning to run.

    The scouts, chased by their adoring fans, ran back into the building, found a janitors closet, and detransformed.

    "Damn!" Zoicite thumped her fist on the desk in the empty classroom overlooking the school's patio. "The Sailor scouts are on to me. I have to use a different approach." She sat there for a while in deep thought. "That's it!!!" I'll use Nephlyte's plan to focus on a single human for energy. But I'll modify it slightly so it'll be foolproof!!!" She laughed that anoyingly hideous laugh.

    Sixth bell finally rolled around and the scouts got a chance to conference. The two levels of JROTC were combined so they lined the back of the classroom.

    "Where were you at lunch!!!" Shaquita whispered fiercely to Richard.

    "I was in Dr Glasser's room, why?" he whispered back.

    "We had a situa..." She stopped as her best friend Chanel tapped her on the shoulder.

    "Girl it's a shame you don't have second lunch!!!"

    "You don't either, with you olympic skipping butt!!! But what happened anyway?" she asked. "Okay, get ready. THE Sailor Scouts were on the patio!!!"

    "You need some T.I. back in your life cuz you definately on drugs," she said nervously. "The Sailor Scouts are an ANIME!!!"

    "No, fo' real!! I saw them! And there's a new scout!!! But that's not the trip, she looks dead on Sailor Moon but she's BLACK!!!"

    She fumbled with her fingers nervously, "Must have been a publicity stunt for their new movie."

    "No stunt, Shaq, no stunt!!!"

    "Well, sorry I missed it," she shook her head, then slumped in the chair.

    Serena passed a note down to Shaquita which read "Welcome to the true life of a scout."