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Sailor Dark Moon Bio

"I am Sailor Dark Moon, defender of the dark skinned! I stand for intergration and togetherness, and on belhalf of the dark side of the moon I will reclaim what is rightfully mine by kicking some negaverse ass!!!"

Shaquita, up close and personal

Back in Cincinnati, Shaquita was a normal teenager; going to school, singing in choir and garage bands, chasing boys, and watching T.V. Mainly a cartoon called Sailor Moon. She liked it mostly because here Great-Great Grandmother used to tell her stories about herself and Shaquita living in a kingdom just like Serena's, before she died. She also got a funny feeling of De Ja Vu each time she watched, as if she belonged with them, and that was the only place she did belong. She got her chance to find out would she fit in when she won a writing contest and a trip to Okinawa. Once there she immediately was hooked up with Serena. It didn't take her any longer than two days fos Shaquita to find out she was the new scout. The rest of the scouts were sceptical at first(Sans Terra, who knew her from a previous school, and Ohiko, who knows how it feels to be ostracized)but after a while came to understand and accept her.

Shaquita is the type of person who cannot take orders unless they benifit her. She is cool with the other scouts, especially Serena because they are very much alike. She can get along with everybody pretty well until the wrong thing is said. Then her Gemini nature shines through Shaquita will totally go off on anyone, hurting feelings left and right. She apologizes every trip, but don't mess with her, she is a volcano ready to erupt.

Attacks, Powers, Etc.