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Zildjan Mask Bio

"I am Zildjan Mask, Protector of Sailor Dark Moon, the Onyx of Power, and the rest of her scouts (Boo, they're not exactly my scouts) Shaquita, don't correct me! And on behalf of the beautiful Princess Shaquita...(Flattery will get you nowhere, Richirudo) Don't interupt me, and DON'T CALL ME THAT!!!... my creator, I will help in her fight to restore the Onyx Kingdom."

Richard, Up close and Personal

Richard, the somewhat normal kid with a troubled past. Sent into the foster system at the age of three, bounced around from home to home, never allowed to see his real family, abnormal life from the beginning. But the stranger thing in his life were not made aware to him until he followed his heart and his one true love, Shaquita Lynn King, to Okinawa. There he found out the really weird stuff: (1) Shaquita's favorite cartoon, Sailor Moon, was real, (2) Shaquita was actually Sailor Dark Moon. (3) One of his ancestors, a great-great uncle, happened to be Queen Serenity's cousin, and (4) That fact and an energy accident made him the newest scout, Zildjan Mask.

This makes Richard very uncomfortable, which shows as he fudges a few missions, but he finally gets his act straight as he realizes one thing; his hopes for a normal life are gone in the wind.

Attacks, Powers, Etc.

For the most part right now he's just like Tuxedo Mask, When Shaquita's in over her head he transformes and saves the day. He throws drumsticks and small cymbals instead of roses. But, him being the newest scout and a descendent of the White Moon family, who knows what untapped powers he may possess.....
