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The following chants are taken from Scott Cunningham's Living Wicca: A Further Guide For The Solitary Practitioner.

Sunrise Chant
Fire growing,
Sun is glowing;
Glowing, flowing
Down on me.

A Short Chant for Help
Divine Mother,
Mother Divine,
Show me the way;
Give me a sign

A Morning Prayer
Bless this day, sun of fiery light.
Bless this day; prepare me for the night.

An Evening Prayer
The moon illuminates the earth
With wondrous silver rays;
Illuminate me through the night
And through the sun-lit days.

A Prayer Before Sleep
Lady of the Moon;
Lord of the Sun;
Protect me and mine
Now day is done.

**The chant that is posted below is only a chant to help you loose weight. It doesn't take the pounds off for you, but it does help to motivate your will to stay away from bad foods, exercise, and to think possitively about your appearance Here it is:

"Goddess help me,
My will is strong.
I'll eat what's right,
And do no wrong.
I'll exercise lots,
So that I'll be thinner.
Doing what's right,
Will make me a winner!"

The Blessing Chant
May the powers of the One
the source of all creation
all-pervasive, omnipotent, eternal
may the the Goddess
the Lady of the Moon
and the God
Horned Hunter of the Sun
May the powers of the Spirits of the Stones
Rulers of the elemental realms
May the powers of the stars above and the Earth below
Bless this Place, and this time, and I who am with you.

Casting a circle sample:

The East, the Air
The sylphs, the wind
Positive forces,
I call you in.

The South, the Fire,
Spirits of the flames, my kin,
Positive forces,
I call you in.

The West, the Waters,
The undines, the seas,
Positive forces,
Please come to me.

The North, the Earth,
The plants, the gnomes,
I call to the positive forces
Within the loam!

And back to East again.
As above, so below.
This circle is cast.

Dismissing a circle sample:

The North, the gnomes,
The plants, the Earth,
I thank thee for attending
This magic's birth.

The Waters, the undines,
The seas, the West,
I thank thee for being here
To bring about the best.

The South, the spirits,
The flames, the Fire,
I thank thee for thy help
In attaining my desires.

The East, the wind,
The sylphs, the Air,
I thank thee all
For being here.
And back to North again.

The circle is open, but unbroken.
So mote it be.

Another Circle Casting Example:

(This example is from Silver RavenWolf's book Teen Witch)

While walking the circle in a clockwise direction say:

I conjure thee, O great circle of power, so that you will be for me a boundary between the world of men and the mighty spirits, a meeting place of perfect love, trust, peace, and joy containing the power i will raise within thee. I call upon the guardians of the North, the East, the South, and the West to aid me in this consecration.
In the name of the Lord and the Lady
thus I do conjure thee, O great circle of power.

By the time you have finished saying this you should have walked the circle three times. Walk to the North quarter of the circle and say:

As above, so below, this circle is sealed!

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