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The Funny One


He makes me laugh
so hard I cry,
but I bet he's
depressed deep inside.

His wacky exterior
is only to seem,
as a happy and
energetic teen.

But I think inside,
way deep down,
there's something more
lurking around.

I think behind
eccentric laughter,
is a heart,
about to shatter.

And hidden in
giant smiles,
is a soul that
forgot it's style.

I don't know him
but I feel his sorrow.
I understand when
he wishes for no tomorrow.

How can I know
feeling like these?
It's simple, for he,
is so much like me.

It's strange how
he's the "funny one,"
but no one really
has begun,

To see that
the "funny one,"
is just another
"lonely one."


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