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What I Know...

....that there is a creator.
....that He is so unlike us that we cannot contain Him in our finite vocabularies.
....that He is spirit, unhampered by a corporeal body.

What I Believe...

....that He communicates with us, His creations.
....that He desires a relationship with us, His children.
....that there is a right and wrong, right being what the Creator desires.
....that the Creator has communicated to us through prophets, visions, and His inspired word, HaTorah.

What I Was Taught...

....G-d sent His son, Jesus, to die for our sins.

What I Do... and study Tenach, hebrew, and anything that may help me understand truth.
....celebrate Biblical Holydays
....observe sabbath and kosher laws as I understand them in the Tenach.

What I Do Not Believe...

....that there are many roads to the Creator.

Prayer warriors, enter here.

Not For the Faint-hearted!

You are welcome to E-mail me and even attempt to persuade me of your beliefs, on the conditions that you provide scriptural support and remain friendly.

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