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Why is this page here? We just wanted to say that we could do it. If you ever thought about making a page, you can do it, too. It is easier than you dared imagine. Just go to Angelfire and fill in the blanks. It is that easy. Then, come back and sign my guestbook so I can visit you. You can E me if you have any questions. I would be happy to help if I can.

My best tip about HTML....when you see something on someone's page that you like, see how they did it. Go to View...yeah, right there after File and Edit...When you get that drop down box, find something like view source or page source. That should bring up a page of HTML code.

Okay, we did it. We made a web page.
Why is this page still here? I came to enjoy working on it. It is like an expression of art. Good or bad, it satisfies my creative drive. So this is our site...


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