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Steve Jay, What a Guy!!!!!

Hi, on august 31st 2003 I had a chance to talk to Steve Jay (very briefly he had to catch a plain to his next gig) it was very brief but he said he would answer some questions i had written out and mail them back to me. and 3 days later i received the paper all filled out. Here are the questions and answers we have all been waiting for!

Q. What is your favorite oldies song?

A. Quarter to three

Q.What made you want to get into the music induastry?

A. The Rapture

Q. How do you feel about being famous?

A. It's hard to imagine.

Q. What is the hardest thing about being on tour?

A. Managing time

Q. What is your favorite vacation spot?

A. New York

Q. If you could be like any other person who would it be and why?

A. Either of my sons Miles & Ian, they're together

Q.What was the best thing that has happened in your life?

A.Meeting my wife Barbara

Q.What is your favorite "Weird Al" song to perform and why?

A. MMM MMM MMM, It's a nice composition.

Q.What is your favorite movie and television show?

A. "Brazil", "The Practice"

Q.If you could meet one person in this world who would it be?(including living, dead, and people already met)

A. Sheryll Crow

I want to thank Steve for answering these simple questions and giving me permission to post them here on this piece of infermation super highway.

Stephen Jay's home pg will teach you allot
