About Miss Vox...

About Miss Vox...

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Miss Vox!

This is the part of my web site where I tell you a little bit about my self... as if you didn't figure that out!! alright fine and dandy... here i go... you get to here about my boring life...OH YEAH!... first of all i am 14, and wil be 15 on March 31st... I have been making web sties for about 2 years... all of my new web sites are made strictly with HTML codes because people who need help with making web sites, with out HTML suck! hahah unless you are Marianna because her web site looks semi-OK:)... Alright i have been a Smashing Pumpkins fan for nearly two years... and i have been a U2 fan since about the time Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, came out which was 95'... but i only have 5 U2 Cds, the reason is because i just got em for X-mas... you are probably thinking.. some U2 fan <> but see i spent all my money on Smashing Pumpkins CDs... so i never had money for U2! and now when i get $$ i'll buy more U2 stuff:) he-he... ok also i play guitar.. and i sing ::sometimes::, i want to start a band but i don't have anyone to start one with...errr... but me and Marianna want to start a band when we are 18...maybe... i'll make her... he-he...i'll go down to FL and kidnap Marianna! BEWARE!

music wise: U2, Smashing Pumpkins, The Who.
web wise: Lily's Infinite Saddness, and Eric Agnew's Luna... but that is no longer a site! but i'm telling you it kicked so much ass!!! OH YEAH!

Jackson Performer, Fender BASS, Gibson SG (tis my dad's but he claims it's mine, don't ask), Guild Accoustic, Boss Phase Shifter, Crybaby Wah-wah, and i am not shure what brand my Fuzz tone is... but it's old as hell, I also use Fender Picks, a Violin Bow, and i have two mics... and they are some cheap ass brand! it was like 2 for 25 bucks! he-he... oh yeah and i have a Fender Amp... and a Bass Amp, because only dumbasses plug a bass into a guitar amp! he-he

BACK HOME..he-he

İMiss Vox, 1998