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The music on this page are compliments of McTag5, Thank You made on September 15th, 2001

Each of these songs are about America's recent tradgedy at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. Each song here has clips of our president speaking, firemen, police men, people who were present at the time of the tradgedy, newscasters, and many others. Some people speaking here were watching the tradgedy. Some were families who received phone calls from their loved ones from the air via cell phone. Each song has a song in the background. I was able to figure out some of the artists and songs, but not all. If anyone can help, please email me and make reference to the player of which that song or artist belongs. Thank you very much for your help. God Bless the victims, and their families and loved ones. And God Please Bless our Country.

Country Life Family & Friends (chat room)
