From: Jesse David Wall, 25-JUL-1998 14:37:08.29
In reading your reprint, I must say I am impressed.
I hadn't realized there might be a different probability of data loss in multiplication than for division. How interesting!
...[snip] ...
Dave Wall
Jesse David Wall is part of the Physics Department at City College of San Fancisco. He is an author of the Analog Press (an imprint of the Binnacle Publishing Group) book: Introductory Physics, A Problem Solving Approach by Jesse David Wall & Elender Wall (ISBN: 1-890493-04-X).
From: Jearl Walker, 24-AUG-1998 10:21:36.86
To: [Mr.] Christopher L. Mulliss
Thanks for the reprint. It is very interesting and surprising. I am not sure that I can switch to your alternative method in Halliday, Resnick and Walker. Between that textbook and its problems supplement (Select Problem Collection), there must be between 15,000 and 20,000 answers. The thought of having to change those answers makes my right arm twitch and my vision narrow.
But, I still have not sent in the final draft of Chapter 1 for the next (the sixth) edition. Maybe I can at least put in a sentence or two there where rounding is first mentioned.
Jearl Walker
Jearl Walker is on the faculty of Cleveland State University. He is an author of the John Wiley & Sons book: Fundamental of Physics, 5th Ed. by David Halliday, Robert Resnick, & Jearl Walker (ISBN: 0-471-10558-9).
From: Edwin R. Jones, 19 Nov 1998 10:51:24
[Mr.] Mulliss,
I remember receiving your reprint and reading it carefully.
I do think your ideas have merit,
and we will certainly consider
them whenever we rewrite our textbook.
E. R. Jones
Edwin Jones is part of the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of South Carolina. He is an author of the McGraw-Hill book: Contemporary College Physics, 3rd Ed. by Edwin Jones & Richard Childers (ISBN: 0-07-561828-1).