
What do we know about Dr. Andrew Cook?

Dr. Andrew Cook
Photo courtesy HH

Andrew had just graduated first in his class at Harvard Medical School when Dr. Michaela Quinn's mother, Elizabeth, brought him to Colorado Springs to deliver Michaela's baby, and then take over her practice until she was ready to return. Then Andrew would return to Boston where his uncle was grooming him to eventually take over his practice. Things did not go as planned, however. Michaela ended up giving birth in the woods with only her husband, Byron Sully to assist her, while Andrew performed his first solo surgery on Horace Bing, with Colleen Cooper's assistance. He then took over Michaela's practice until she was ready to return. For a time, Andrew and Michaela worked together, until he took the job as resident physician at Preston A. Lodge III's Springs Chateau and Health Resort. As time went on, Andrew became romantically involved with Michaela's adopted daughter, Colleen Cooper, and they were married just before Colleen was to start medical school.

Andrew and Colleen
Photo courtesy Tiffany Miller

Very little was revealed about Andrew's past in the show. We know that his father was Edward Cook, a friend of Michaela's father, Dr. Josef Quinn. Michaela knew Andrew as a child..."with the missing front teeth". Andrew's uncle was a doctor in Boston, who had planned for Andrew to join him in his practice, and that Andrew stood to inherit that practice eventually.

Exceedingly Difficult
Photo courtesy HH

We also know that Andrew was in Harvard Medical School, which he had found "exceedingly difficult", because his father had wanted him to have the best education possible. We also know that a few years ago, Andrew's uncle removed his appendix. Apparently Andrew is an only siblings were ever mentioned.

Although Andrew's uncle was referred to frequently, he was never named, nor was Andrew's mother. In the final episode, we find that Andrew's parents are both deceased. I would think that if Andrew did have any siblings, he would have at least thought of them in his wedding preparations...I also wondered why he didn't mention his uncle. Perhaps there was a rift between them. Had Andrew chosen not to tell his uncle about his wedding? As excited as Andrew was to marry Colleen, I can't imagine that he wouldn't have told his uncle, if they still had a good relationship.

Andrew defends Colleen's honor
Photo courtesy HH

Andrew is a kind, compassionate man, and an excellent doctor. He sometimes lacks self-confidence, and often can't find the right words to say at the right time. In order to keep his job at the Chateau, Andrew sometimes felt compelled to compromise his principles. He was criticized for it, but it was often necessary, and he did defend his position when he had to, but he also stood up to the management (Preston) when he had to. He didn't always have the freedom to practice medicine as he saw fit, but at least he had his own shingle, and he was out of Michaela's formidable shadow. How wonderfully ironic that the woman doctor had become so accepted in this town, that Andrew, a man, would have to truly earn the town's respect, just as Michaela had to.

Photo courtesy HH

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