
My thoughts on Colleen's Paper

This episode from season five first aired on February 8, 1997.
Characters: Andrew, Colleen, Michaela, Brian, Sully
Most of the remaining cast appeared in clips from past episodes.

Colleen's Paper is by far my favorite episode in the series. Although it is a "clips show", it is the first DQ episode that I ever felt compelled to put on tape. I really have quite a sentimental attachment to this episode.

However, even among some fellow Colleen and Andrew fans, I've found that this is not necessarily the most popular episode. To be honest, the response to any "clips" show (not only DQ) tends to be a bit lukewarm. (A possible exception being THATH, which I loved too, but it was a return to Mike & Sully's romance, and our own M&S romance contingent is a wonderfully vocal lot!)

That being said, I still enjoyed Colleen's Paper tremendously, so here is my synopsis. I chose not to describe the clips that were used, but instead to focus on the new material.

The episode begins at the hotel clinic. Andrew is updating patient records, obviously feeling ill, and suffering from the occasional coughing spell. As he finally decides to check himself for fever, Brian interrupts him with the news that Colleen is home for the weekend. Now, Andrew can't be sick, and he tries to convince himself that he's not, repeating. "…I'm fine…I'm fine…"

Next, we see Colleen arrive at the train station with an assignment. She is to interview a doctor about his most memorable case… the diagnosis, treatment, and outcome. Since Michaela is a doctor, Colleen asks her to be the subject of her paper. Flattered, Michaela now has to think about what her most memorable case is.

Andrew meets Colleen and Michaela in town. By now, the fact that he's sick is quite apparent. His attempts to hide it are unsuccessful, as Michaela convinces him to let her examine him at her clinic.

Andrew has a fever, headache, chills, minor muscle pains…all symptoms of a simple catarrh, for which the normal treatment is bed rest. Michaela again has to convince Andrew…as his doctor…to comply with this treatment.

Colleen puts Andrew to bed in one of the recovery rooms, and she tells him about some of Michaela's most memorable cases…until his condition worsens. Michaela and Colleen are very concerned. Colleen drops everything to stay with Andrew, as Michaela makes the diagnosis of spotted fever.

Temperature's holding at 104!

Colleen keeps a constant vigil, putting off returning to school, as Andrew's illness continues past the weekend. Michaela frets about her daughter's emotional involvement in this case, until Sully points out that Colleen's very presence is making a difference in Andrew's recovery.

Andrew does recover, Colleen gets an extension on her assignment, and Michaela finally relates her most memorable case to Colleen. The birth of Katie Sully!

Most long running television shows will have certain inconsistencies. I find that they often make viewing more fun and interesting…

The inconsistency that stands out the most in my mind is when Andrew asks Colleen whether Michaela has ever treated Preston, and Colleen replies "just once", citing Preston's kidney stone. Did she forget that Michaela also treated him in the previous season's episode Dead or Alive, when Sully brought him back to town, gravely ill from an infected wound? Perhaps Colleen chose not to mention that incident, instead mentioning the rather comical story of the kidney stone, in an attempt to lift Andrew's spirits. I can certainly accept that explanation for the oversight.

I believe CP illustrated the formation of a strong bond between Colleen and Andrew...something beyond their obvious mutual attraction...something definitely leading to a new beginning... Not only that, but we also saw the special bond between mother and daughter. In keeping vigil at Andrew's bedside, Colleen discovers feelings that Michaela has already gone through, and she must learn to deal with them on her own terms…and Michaela has to let Colleen do so.

When Andrew heard Colleen was in town, he put off giving in to his illness for as long as possible...of course Colleen and Michaela would have none of that! He was already showing signs of putting Colleen ahead of himself, as misguided as that may have been in this instance. And Colleen chose to stay with sickness (and in health...I could already hear the "I do's") If her choice was also a little misguided....Well, Sully was the voice of reason (as he was in ANB) when he reminded Michaela that it was just as important that Colleen was there for Andrew as anything medical she could do.

And, of course, Colleen and Sully were proven right when Andrew did recover! (and he thanked Colleen quite nicely, with a slight nudge from Dr. Mike)

Colleen's Paper dispelled any doubts that may have crossed my mind as to whether Colleen & Andrew were ready to marry when they did...they were already bonded together...they had only to admit it! And that is more than enough to place CP at the top of my favorite episode list...even if it is "just a clips show"!

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