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January 2000 Cheviot, Ohio (Issued Monthly) Issue 507

From the President Jerry Biederman

Happy New Year to everyone! I hope you all had a successful transition into Y2K. I also hope that this is the last time I write Y2K!

We are continuing to move forward with several important projects and decisions involving our organization. Nominations and elections are coming. Discussions are proceeding regarding a major renovation of our front entrance and/or relocation of our hall. Both of the above will be pivotal in the future success of our club and its programs.

The best way to keep up with these and other important business is to attend the meetings.

Right after elections, we will be swinging into the spring months and all our calendars are bound to become more crowded. Take time during the next couple of months to come to the meetings. I'm sure you'll see some old friends, maybe make some new ones and keep up with our events.

Thanks to Jerry Niebling for handling kitchen duty in December and to Jenny Eilermann for volunteering in January.

That's what makes a club like ours successful - the willingness of members to participate.

See you at the meeting on January 17th.

Hall Rental Jim Morganroth, Chairman

We had two hall rentals in November. Continue promoting our hall and remember club members receive a special rate.

Monthly Raffle at C.P.A. Mike Meyer, Chairman

As usual, the grand prize of $500 was awarded this past December. What a wonderful way to help pay for those Christmas expenses.

December 1999 CPA 400 Winners

Brian House


Chris Rippe


Donald Brown


Ron Marcum


The Y2K version of the CPA 400 has started. Tickets are now available; the first drawing will occur at our March membership meeting.

Attendance Prize

Joel Schroeder is an extra $30 richer for just showing up at the December Regular Meeting. Congratulations Joel!

In Touch Ken Casey, Chairman

We are saddened to note the passing of Art McCue. Art was an active and valuable member of the club. He will be missed.

We would like to wish a speedy and complete recovery to Ken Casey. Ken is convalescing at home after recent surgery. Ken, hurry back; we need your unique and tireless endeavors on the part of our organization.

Kitchen Dick Kruse, Chairman

Our guest chef this month will be Jenny Eilermann. Come see what culinary delicacies she can whip up between soccer matches.

Athletics Gordon Smyth, Chairman

The soccer group was pleased to present our club with the 1999 soccer team pictures. Soccer moms and dads are invited to inspect this display at any upcoming regular meeting.

Baseball teams are now being formed. Call Gordon Smyth at 481-2031 for further information. Don't be left out!

Oldy's But Goody's Bob Moore, President

The Oldy's But Goody's club finished the year with a fun Christmas party. Everyone 55 years old or older is welcome to join us. Yearly membership dues are $2. We meet the fourth Friday of every month.

Special Committees

We are in the process of evaluating ideas for replacing the club's entrance door as well as other remodeling plans. If you or someone you know would like to be involved in these projects, please contact one of our board members.

Butch Scheidt has agreed to take over the annual Easter egg hunt. Preparations will start soon. Volunteers are needed.

Scotch Bowling Jim Tout

Start the New Year off with a fun time of Scotch Bowling. The cost is $25 per couple including refreshments. Even if you have never bowled before, you will have a great time!

The date for this event is January 30th at 7:00 P.M. Contact Jim Tout at 574-4910 and join the fun.


Elections for officers and board members will be held in February. Qualifications for holding office is membership for at least one year and a willingness to fulfill the duties of office.