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February 2000 Cheviot, Ohio (Issued Monthly) Issue 508

From the President Jerry Biederman

At the conclusion of my first year as president of our club, I am happy to report that we are moving forward!

Several important projects lie ahead of us but I am confident that with your support and the thoughtful decisions from our board, we will tackle those issues and be ready for another fun and productive year.

I would like to thank all of you who volunteered your valuable time during this past year. Particular thanks go to all the officers and board members who have kept the club in business. Special thanks and appreciation to everyone who volunteered to run for an office for the upcoming year. Your willingness to step forward and help is a sign you want our club to succeed.

Our annual election will begin held on February 21st; I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible. Remember, voting starts at 6:00 P.M.; dinner will be served before the regular meeting which will at 8:00 P.M. Get there early, see some old friends and join us for dinner on February 21st.

The installation of new officers and member recognition will take place on Saturday February 26th. This event begins at 6:00 P.M. with social time, dinner, program, music and dancing. The cost is $20.00 per couple. We will take reservations at the regular meeting or you can call me at 574-4239.

Once again, thanks for a great year!

Hall Rental Jim Morganroth, Chairman

We have two rentals for February. Plenty of dates remain for March and the rest of the year.

Monthly Raffle at C.P.A. Mike Meyer, Chairman

We are one fourth the way to CPA 400. There are plenty of tickets available. They are easy to sell since each ticket has nearly forty chances each year to win. Where else can you find such odds?

Attendance Prize

Steve Fink's name was drawn at January's meeting. Since Steve was not present, he lost out on some easy money.

In Touch Ken Casey, Chairman

As of January's meeting Ralph Durst was in Jewish Hospital and Ken Casey was recuperating at home. We wish them both a quick recovery.

Kitchen Dick Kruse, Chairman

Election night is always special. We will have a full meal before the membership meeting.

Athletics Gordon Smyth, Chairman

We had a very good turnout for our baseball program this year. Thanks to everyone for signing up and for volunteering his time.

Soccer sign ups are just around the corner. All current players should receive a notice in the mail and flyers will be distributed to the local schools so keep a look out for them. Please note however, that your last year's uniform must be returned before you can play this year.

Speaking of Soccer, now is the time to prepare for our Fall season. Coaching clinics are in full swing; registration is now in progress for player summer camps. Check the SAY and OSYSA links on our Web page ( or contact Lou Winston at 347-9387 for more information.


The following members have been nominated for office this year:

President Jerry Biederman

Vice President Mike Meyer

Treasurer Jim Tout

Recording Secretary Jenny Eilermann

Financial Secretary Gordon Smyth

Sergeant at Arms Joel Schroeder

Board of Governors Chet Sonderman, Walter Rump, Bob Buchanan, Ed Freytag and Ron Bingle

As you can see, we have a very high quality slate of candidates this year. Show up and vote to demonstrate your support of their efforts.

Publicity and News Lou Winston, Editor

We will be soliciting advertisers for The C.P.A. NEWS newsletter soon. Existing advertisers and CPA Members will be given first opportunity to sign up. Our publication is read by approximately four hundred families in Western Hills every month. If you have a business, consider advertising in our newsletter. For more information, please contact me at 347-0589.