June 2000 Cheviot Ohio (Published Monthly) Issue 512
From the President Jerry Biederman
Just a reminder - our July meeting will be a family picnic at Harvest Home Park. Festivities will start at 4:00 P.M. on July 17th. The meal will consist of hot dogs, metts, brats and corn on the cob. We will have games and lots of fun for the entire membership. The charge for all this is just $5 per family. Please mark your calendars and attend.
Next, let me welcome all our new S-members who have children playing baseball and/or soccer for C.P.A. On behalf of our membership, I hope your association with our club will be long and enjoyable. You are particularly encouraged to come to our regular monthly meetings and become active in our club. In addition to our sports programs and the picnic mentioned above, we have a "fun run" event in September, a turkey festival, Christmas and Easter parties.
Monthly Raffle at C.P.A. Mike Meyer, Chairman
As of the May meeting we only had seven CPA 400 tickets left! Good job to everyone who participated in the Y2K version of this event. In particular we would like to thank Gordon Smyth who sold 145 tickets, Chet Sonderman for selling 27, Joe Beck for selling 20 and Ron Bingle who sold 15 tickets.
The lucky winning names drawn at the May meeting were:
Brian Huelsman |
$100 | Larry Brabant |
$15 | |
Jeff Patton |
$25 | Judy Owens |
$10 |
Attendance Prize
The name of gold card member Bob Swedersky was drawn at our May 15th meeting. Since Bob was not in attendance, he missed out on a cool $50 bill!
In Touch Ken Casey, Chairman
We are deeply saddened to report the passing of gold card member Ralph Durst on June 6th. Ralph was a very active and dedicated part of our organization and will be missed. Our condolences and prayers go to his loved ones.
Bob Buchanan is recuperating at home after an operation; Joel Schroeder is undergoing treatment for blood clots.
Gordon Smyth presented a comprehensive listing of our membership. He hopes to have this information updated soon.
Athletics Gordon Smyth, Chairman
Sign-ups for the Fall soccer season went well. It looks like we will have nine regular teams this year as well as about four lollipop teams. We can still use some 6-7 year old girls to complete our 'passers' level. If you know of any girls in that age group, please have them call either Lou Winston at 347-0589 or Gordon Smyth at 481-2031.
Congratulations to Tim Candelaresi, Scott Carpenter, Brian Bloch, Bob Herbort, Dave Knueven and Lou Winston for successfully completing the Area Coaching certification requirements. The course was given at Dillsboro, Indiana; if we could get a video of our coaches going through the various drills, we would have an instant best seller!
A note to all soccer coaches: National S.A.Y. requires all coaches to be certified. If you need more information on coaching clinics, contact Scott Carpenter at 662-8609.
Kudos to Kris Kass and Chandler Marr for completing the S.A.Y. referee training course in June. There will be another referee training class beginning August 1st for those of you who are interested; call Ron Arrasmith at 574-7687 for more information.
Kings Island Fund-Raiser Gordon Smyth
Volunteering to work a Kings Island is a fun and important way to raise money for our club. Dates for this year are: Saturday June 15th at 11:30-7:30, Sunday June 25th from 2:30 to 7:30 and Sunday July 23rd from 3:30 to 10:30. Check your calendars and volunteer for one or more of these dates. Call me at 481-2031.