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August 2000 Cheviot, Ohio (Issued Monthly) Issue 514

From the President Jerry Biederman

Hey this free admission stuff may be working! We had increased attendance at our August meeting and three guests came to check us out. We will have at least two new members sworn in at our September meeting! Come and join us on Monday September 18th at 8:00 P.M. and remember -- admission is FREE!

By the time you receive this newsletter, the year 2000 version of the Harvest Home Parade and fair will be over. Thanks to Jenny Eilermann and Ron Marcum for their usual fine effort this year. Jenny organized our parade participants, including approximately thirty young soccer players - a feat that makes herding cats seem easy. Ron made sure that our booth at the fair was manned throughout the event. A "Well done" to both of you!

Our CPA 5K run/walk is scheduled for Sunday, September 24th. Registration begins at 9:00 A.M. at the Harvest Home Park; starting time is 10:00 A.M. This event is open to the public and you can walk or run in several different classes. Registration forms will be available at our regular meeting.

Any questions? Call me at 574-4329.

Looking ahead a bit, our annual Turkey Raffle is planned for November 4th at the Cheviot Memorial Fieldhouse. Tickets will be available at our September meeting as will details of the evening's activities and hours of operation.

Hope to see all of you at the September meeting. The price is right!

Monthly Raffle at C.P.A. Mike Meyer, Chairman

The lucky winners of the August CPA 400 drawing are as follows:

Rick Fink


Gordon Smyth


Joel Schroeder


Bob Hanke


In Touch

It was wonderful to see Ken Casey back and looking so chipper at our regular monthly meeting. Ken, keep it up and we will save you a roster spot on our year one of our 2001 baseball teams!

Congratulations to Anna Winston for passing the WCBM soccer referee course.

Athletics Gordon Smyth, Chairman

Congratulations to the CPA Blue Jays U10 girls soccer team. With a 3-2 record, they finished in third place in their division at the Corpus Christi S.A.Y Pre-season Tournament. Their award will make a proud addition to our trophy case; come up and take a look! The Blue Jays are coached by Scott Carpenter, Dave Kneuven and Bryan Moran.

Kings Island Gordon Smyth, Chaiman

This year we had 32 people help with our fund rasing effort at Paramount's Kings Island raising over $750 for our club. Each worker received a $20 rebate on their sports fees and tickets to enter the park at at future date. We owe a debt of gratitute to: Lisa Mangin, Gordon Smyth, Melinda Kaylor, Jerry  Michelson, Jan Michelson, Erin Butts, Tina Candelaresi, Tim Candelaresi, James Kampel, Debbi Kampel, Kathy Huelsman, Brian Huelsman, Maria Donisi, Debra Gooch, Mark Bova, Brian Block, Wendy Carpentor, Scott Carpenter, Becky Storer, Pat Specht, Dave  Specht, Vicki Rack, Jenny Eilermann, Lou Winston, Dani Sonderman, Thomas Sonderman, Chester Sonderman, Brahm Fox and Carrie Smyth for volunteering their time and effort in this cause.

We have no further planned Kings Island dates but are likely to have opportunities ome up in the next few weeks. If you are interested in participating, call Gordon at 481-2031.

Special Committees

Turkey raffle tickets will be ready soon. Contact Jerry Niebling to get yours. He can be reached at 574-9818.

Speaking of Jerry Niebling, seems that a buddy of his just came back from a trip to Alaska.

When he was there, the buddy befriended a couple of foreign tourists - one from Moscow and one from Prague. The three charted a special guide to go into the wilderness; They traveled about 10 miles when they were attacked by two polar bears, one male and one female. Unfortunetatley, the two foreign tourists were eaten by the bears. Without thinking, the guide shot and killed both bears. When they opened the bears they found the Russian tourist in the female and... wait for it... the Czech was in the male.

October Calendar of Events

Date and Time


Mon. Sept 18, 8:00 P.M. Regular Monthly meeting at Headquarters
Sun Sept 24, 9:00 A.M CPA 5K Run/Walk at Harvest Home Park
