Other Sites of Interest
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Other Sites of Interest

Tower Baptist Church-My church's page. Great people and an even better message! Check it out!

-This page lists misc. sites of "Veronica's" on the web.
What The Bible Says About...-you can type in any topic or word and get a list of verses from the Bible on it.
Christian Women Today Magazine Online
Dave's List of Words that are fun to say-A reall cute site...something that most people never thought of :)
Homearts-a great parenting, pregnancy, etc. site.
ParentSoup-another great site. You can play a form of the game "Boggle" with baby names there.
Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
PBS Online-If you have little ones like mine, then you'll love the sites for the kids shows.
Thirtysomething Page-for the best tv show ever created...EVER! :)
Brian's Free Stuff-love that free stuff!
Keirsey Temperament Sorter-A pretty accurate personality test.
NetMechanic Broken Link Checker-checks all of the links on you web page(for free) to make sure that they are still good.
Lupus Home Page-for those of you who suffer from(or survive) lupus, like me, here is the homepage for alot of information as well as the place to sign up for great mailing lists.

Cross Stitch Links
Amelia's Page
My Family
Graphics Links
My Angel Page
