No. 7318 Day Dream

Leaf edged doily with a swirl at the center.


J. & P. Coats Tatting-Crochet, Art. A.21, Size 70: 10 balls.

Milwards Steel Crochethook No. 14

Doily measures 11 inches in diameter.

Starting at center, ch 9. Join with sl st to form ring.
1st rnd:  16 sc in ring, sl st in first sc made.
2nd rnd:  Sc in same place as sl st, * ch 5, skip 1 sc, sc in next sc. Repeat from * around, ending with ch 5, sl st in first sc.
3rd rnd:  Sc in same place as sl st, * 2 sc in ch-5 sp, ch 4, sc in next sc. Repeat from * around, ending with sl st in sirst sc.
4th to 17th rnds incl:  * Sc in next sc and in each remaining sc of sc group, 2 sc in ch-4 sp, ch 4, skip first sc of next sc-group. Repeat from * around (17 sc in each sc group on last rnd). Join as before.
18th rnd:  * Sc in next 15 sc, ch 4 sc in ch-4 sp, ch 4, skip next sc. Repeat from * around. Join.
19th rnd:  * Sc in next 13 sc, (ch 5, sc in next loop) twice; ch 5, skip next sc. Repeat from * around. Join.
Continue in this manner having 2 sc less in each sc group and 1 loop more between sc groups on each rnd, until 1 sc remains in each sc group, ending with ch 2, dc in first sc.
Now work as follows:
1st to 5th rnds incl:* Ch 6, sc in next loop. Repeat from * around, ending with ch 3, dc in dc (72 loops in last rnd).
6th rnd:  (Ch 6, sc in next loop) twice; * ch 6, 9 dc in next loop; (ch 6, sc in next loop) 8 times. Repeat from * around. Join as before.
7th rnd:  (Ch 6, sc in next loop) 3 times; * ch 6, sc in center dc of dc group, (ch 6, sc in next loop) 9 times. Repeat from * around. Join.
8th and 9th rnds:  * Ch 6, sc in next loop. Repeat from * around. Join.
10th rnd:  Ch 5, * 2 half dc in next loop, ch 3. Repeat from * around, ending with ch 3, half dc at base of starting chain, sl st in 2nd chain of ch-5(80 ch-3 sps).
11th rnd:  Ch 2, * 2 half dc in sp, half dc in next 2 half dc. Repeat from * around, ending with sl st in 2nd chain of ch-2 (320 half dc).
12th rnd:  Sc in same place as sl st, sc in next 16 half dc, * ch 4, skip 4 half dc, in next half dc make 2 dc, ch 2, and 2 dc (shell): ch 4, skip 4 half dc, sc in next 17 half dc. Repeat from * around, skipping 5 half dc (instead of 4) before and after every 3rd shell (12 groups of 17 sc, with a shell between each group), ending with a ch 4, sl st in first sc. Here after pick up only the back loop of eash sc throughout.
13th rnd:  * Sc in next 15 sc, ch 4, in ch 2 of shell make (2 dc, ch 2) 3 times and 2 dc; ch 4, skip 1 sc. Repeat from * around. Join.
14th rnd:  * Sc in next 13 sc, ch 4, in next ch-2 sp make a shell of 2 dc, ch 2 and 2 dc: (ch 4, skip 1 sc. Repeat from * around. Join.
15th rnd:  * Sc in next 11 sc, ch 4, shell over next shell, ch 3; in next shell make (2 dc, ch 2) 3 times and 2 dc; ch 3, shell over next shell, ch 4, skip 1 sc. Repeat from * around. Join.
16th rnd:  * Sc in next 9 sc, ch 5, shell over shell, ch 3, (shell in next ch-2 sp, ch 2) twice: shell in next ch-2 sp, ch 3, shell over next shell, ch 5, skip 1 sc. Repeat from * around. Join.
17th rnd:  * Sc in next 7 sc, ch 5, (shell over next shell, ch 3) twice; in ch 2 of next shell make (2 dc, ch 2) 3 times and 2 dc; (ch 3, shell over next shell) twice;ch 5, skip 1 sc. Repeat from * around. Join.
18th rnd:  * Sc in next 5 sc, ch 5, shell over next shell, (ch 3, shell in next ch-2 sp) 3 times; ch 3, shell over next shell, ch 4, shell over next shell, ch 5, skip 1 sc. Repeat from * around. Join.
19th rnd:  * Sc in next 3 sc, ch 5, shell over next shell, ch 4, (shell over next shell, ch 3) twice; in next ch-2 sp make (2 dc, ch 2) 3 times and 2 dc; (ch 3, shell over next shell) twice; ch 4, shell over next shell, ch 5, skip 1 sc. Repeat from * around. Join.
20th rnd:  * Sc in next sc, ch 5, (shell over next shell, ch 4) 3 times; (shell in next ch-2 sp, ch 3) twice; shell in next ch-2 sp, (ch 4, shell over next shell) 3 times; ch 5, skip 1 sc. Repeat from * around. Join.
21st rnd:  Sl st to center of next shell, ch 8, sl st in 4th ch from hook (a ch-4 picot made), ** ch 1, * dc in sp of same shell, ch 2, sc in next sp between shells, ch 1, ch-4 picot, ch 1, dc in sp of next shell, ch 1, picot, ch 1, dc in sp of next shell, ch 1, picot, ch 1. Repeat from * across one point, ending with dc, ch 1, picot, ch 1 and dc in sp of last shell of point, dc in sp of next shell, ch 1,picot. Repeat from ** around. Join and break off.

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