Fan Chair Set

This Chair Set can be made with the following:

The famous "PURITAN" CROCHET COTTON, Article 40 or "DE LUXE Quality CROCHET COTTON, Article 346

3 balls White, Cream or Ecru.

Steel crochet hook No. 8.

Chair Back measures:   11 1/2 inches X 16 inches.

Arm Rests measure about 7 inches X 10 3/4 inches.


1st row:  Ch 173, dc in 4th st from hook, 1 dc in each remaining st of ch, ch 3, turn.

2nd row:  1 dc in each dc, ch 3, turn (171 dc).

3rd row:  1 dc in each of the next 4 dc, * ch 2, skip 2 dc, dc in next dc, reapeat from * 53 times, 1 dc in each of the next 4 sts, ch 3, turn (53 meshes).

4th row:  1 dc in each of the next 4 dc, * ch 2, dc in next dc, * ch 2, skip 1 mesh, 2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc in next mesh, ch 5, skip 2 meshes, dc in next dc, ch 2, dc in same space, ch 5, skip 2 meshes, 2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc (shell) in next mesh, ch 2, skip 1 mesh, dc in next dc, 2 dc in next mesh, dc in next dc (solid mesh), ch 2, dc in next dc (open mesh), 2 dc in next mesh, dc in next dc, repeat from * 3 times, ch 2, skip 1 mesh, shell in next mesh, ch 5, skip 2 meshes, 1 dc, ch 2, 1 dc in next dc, ch 5m skip 2 meshes, shell in next mesh, ch 2, skip 1 mesh, dc in next dc, ch 2, 1 dc in each of the next 4 dc, dc in 3rd st of end ch, ch 3, turn.

5th row:  1 dc in each of the next 4 dc, 1 open mesh, * ch 2, shell in next shell, ch 4, skip the ch 5 loop, 6 dc in next loop, ch 4, shell in next shell, ch 2, skip 1 mesh, dc in next dc, 1 open mesh, 1 solid mesh, 1 open mesh, repeat from * 3 times, ch 2, shell in next shell, ch 4, skip 1 loop, 6 dc in next loop, ch 4, shell in next shell, ch 2, skip 1 mesh, dc in next dc, ch 2, 1 dc in each of the next 4 dc, dc in 3rd st of ch, ch 3, turn.

6th row:  1 dc in each of the next 4 dc, 1 open mesh, * ch 2, shell in next shell, ch 3, skip 1 loop, 1 dc in each of the next 6 dc with ch 1 between each dc, ch 3, shell in next shell, ch 2, skip 1 loop, dc in next dc, 1 solid mesh, 1 open mesh, 1 solid mesh, repeat from * 3 times, ch 2, shell in next shell, ch 3, skip 1 loop, 1 dc in each of the next 6 dc with ch 1 between each dc, ch 3, shell in next shell, ch 2, skip 1 loop, dc in next dc, ch 2, 1 dc in each of the last 5 sts, ch 3, turn.

7th row:  1 dc in each of the next 4 dc, 1 open mesh, ** ch 2, shell in next shell, ch 2, skip 1 loop, * 1 dc, ch 1, 1 dc in next ch 1 space, repeat from * 4 times, ch 2, shell in next shell, ch 2, skip 1 loop, dc in next dc, 1 open mesh, 1 solid mesh, 1 open mesh, repeat from ** across row ending to correspond, ch 3, turn.

8th row:  1 dc in each of the next 4 dc, 1 open mesh, * ch 2, shell in next shell, ch 5, dc in 3rd ch 1 space (center of pattern), ch 2, dc in same space, ch 5, shell in next shell, ch 2, skip 1 loop, dc in next dc, 1 solid mesh, 1 open mesh, 1 solid mesh, repeat from * across row ending to correspond, ch 3, turn.  Repeat from 5th through 8th row 10 times.

Next row:  1 dc in each of the next 4 dc, 1 open mesh, * ch 2, skip 1 dc of next shell, dc in next dc, ch 2, dc in next dc of same shell, ch 2, dc in center st of next ch 5 loop, ch 2, skip 1 dc, dc in next ch 2 loop, ch 2, dc in center st of next ch 5 loop, ch 2, dc in 2nd dc of next shell, ch 2, dc in next dc of same shell, ch 2, skip 1 loop, dc in next dc, ch 2, skip 2 dc, dc in next dc, repeat from * 3 times, ch 2, dc in 2nd dc of next shell, ch 2, dc in next dc of same shell, ch 2, dc in center st of next loop, ch 2, dc in 2nd dc of next shell, ch 2, dc in next dc of same shell, ch 2, skip 1 loop, dc in next dc, ch 2, 1 dc in each of the last 5 sts, ch 3, turn.

Next row:  1 dc in each dc and 2 dc in each ch 2 mesh, ch 3, turn.

ARM RESTS:  Ch 74 and work same as chair back having 2 stripes of fan pattern and 10 fan patterns in each stripe.



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