No 7650B Raindrop Rythym

This runner in the ever-popular pineapple design measures 18 x 38 inches.


J & P COATS BIG BALL BEST SIX CORD MERCERIZED CROCHET, ART., a104, SIZE 30:  : 11 balls of white, Ecru or cream, or 13 balls of any color; or

CLARKS BIG BALL MERCERIZED CROCHET, art., B.34, size 20 or 30; 9 balls of White, Ecru, or Cream, or 11 balls of any color.

Milwards Steel Crochet Hook  :No. 10.

GAUGE:  3 shells and 3 ch-6 sps make 2 inches; 5 rows of shells make 1 inch.

Starting at center, make a chain about 25 inches long (13 ch sts to 1 inch).
1st rnd:  In 4th ch from hook make dc, ch 2 and 2 dc (shell made): * ch 6, skip 10 ch, in next ch make 2 dc, ch 2 and 2 dc (another shell made). Repeat from * across until 29 shells have been completed. Cut off remaining ch, ch 6, working along opposite side of starting chain, ** make a shell at base of next shell, ch 6. Repeat from ** across, ending with ch 6, sl st in top of turning chain.

2nd rnd:  Sl st in next dc and in sp, ch 3, in same sp in sp of next shell (shell over shell made). Repeat from * across one side, ch 2, in end ch-6 sp make 2 dc, ch 3, and 2 dc (corner shell made), ch 2; in same sp make 2 dc, ch 3 and 2 dc (another corner shell made); ch 2, shell in sp of next shell, ch 6 and work across other side to correspond. Make end as before. Join.

3rd rnd:  Sl st in next dc and in next sp, in same sp make dc, ch 2 and 2 dc -- each rnd begins this way and will be referred to as shell over shell. Ch 6 and shell over shell alternately across to corner, ch 3 shell over corner shell, ch 3, shell in next corner shell, ch 3 and work remainder of rnd to correspond. Join.

4th rnd:  * Shell over shell, ch 6. Repeat from * to corner; (ch 4, shell in next shell) 3 times; ch 4 and work remainder of rnd to correspond. Join.

5th rnd:  * Shell over shell, ch 6. Repeat from * around. Join.

6th rnd:  * Shell over shell, ch 6. Repeat from * across to corner shell; in corner shell make shell, ch 3 and shell; ch 6, shell over shell, ch 6, in corner shell make shell, ch 3 and shell. Complete rdn to correspond. Join.

7th rnd:  * Shell over shell, ch 6. Repeat from * across to corner shell, (ch 6, shell over shell, ch 2, shell in next sp -- this is corner shell -- ch 2, shell over shell, ch 6, shell over shell) twice; ch 6 and complete rnd to correspond. Join.

8th rnd:  * Shell over shell, ch 6. Repeat from * across to corner, (ch 6, shell over shell, ch 1 shell in next sp, ch 1, shell over corner shell, ch 1, shell in next sp, ch 1, shell over shell, ch 6, shell over shell) twice. Complete rnd to correspond. Join.

9th, 10th, and 11th rnds:  * Shell over shell, ch 6. Repeat from * across to corner shell, ch 6, shell over each corner shell, making ch 3 between corner shells (instead of ch-1) on the 9th rnd; ch 4 (instead of ch 3) on 10th rnd and ch 5 (instead of ch 4) on the 11th rnd. Break off at the end of the 11th rnd.

12th rnd:  Attach thread in sp of 5th shell on long side, counting from the corner shell, but do not count the corner shell, ch 3, in same sp make dc, ch 7 and 2 dc; * (ch 6, shell over shell) 3 times; ch 6, in next sp make 2 dc, ch 7 and 2 dc. Repeat from * 6 more times, ch 6, shell in center shell of corner, ch 6, in next shell make 2 dc, ch 7 and 2 dc. Ch 6, and work in the same manner over remaining 3 sides, making all corners to correspond. Join.

13th rnd:  Sl st in next dc and in sp, ch 4 (to count as tr), 19 tr in same sp, * shell over shell, (ch 6, shell over shell) twice; 20 tr in ch-7 sp of next shell. Repeat from * across to corner shell, ch 2, shell in corner, ch 2, 20 tr in ch-7 loop and work remainder of rnd to correspond. Join.

14th rnd:  Ch 5, (tr in next tr, ch 1) 18 times; tr in next tr, * dc in sp of next shell, ch 6, shell over shell, ch 6, dc in sp of next shell, (tr in next tr, ch 1) 19 times; tr in next tr. Repeat from * across to corner shell, ch 2 shell over corner shell, ch 2 and complete rnd to correspond, making corners as before. Join.

15th row:  Sc in next ch-1 sp, * (ch 3, sc in next ch-1 sp) 18 times; ch 6, shell over shell, ch 6, sc in next ch-1 sp. Repeat from * across to corner shell, ch 2, shell over corner shell, ch 2, sc in next ch-1 sp, and complete rnd to correspond, making corners as before. Join.

16th rnd:  Sl st in next ch, sc in loop, * (ch 3, sc in next loop) 17 times; ch 5, shell over shell, ch 5, sc in next ch-3 loop. Repeat from * across to corner shell, ch 2, shell over corner shell, ch 2, sc in next ch-3 loop and complete rnd to correspond, making corners as before. Join.

17th rnd:  Sl st in next ch, sc in loop, * (ch 3, sc in next loop) 16 times; ch 4, shell over shell, ch 4, sc in next ch-3 loop. Repeat from * across to corner shell, ch 2, shell over corner shell, ch 2, sc in next ch-3 loop on next pineapple and complete rnd to correspond. Join.

18th rnd:  Sl st in next ch, sc in loop, * (ch 3, sc in next loop) 15 times; ch 4, shell over shell, ch 4, sc in next ch-3 loop. Repeat from * across to corner shell, ch 2, shell over corner shell, ch 2, complete rnd to correspond. Join.

19th rnd:  Sl st in next ch, sc in loop, * (ch 3, sc in next loop) 14 times; ch 4, shell over shell, ch 4, sc in next ch-3 loop. Repeat from * across to corner shell, ch 2, shell over corner shell, complete rnd to correspond. Join

20th rnd:  Sl st in next ch, sc in loop, * (ch 3, sc in next loop) 13 times; ch 4, in sp of next shell make (2 dc, ch 2) twice and 2 dc; ch 4, sc in next ch-3 loop. Repeat from * across to corner shell, ch 2, in corner shell make (2 dc, ch 2) 3 times and 2 dc; ch 2, complete rnd to correspond. Join.

21st rnd:  Sl st in next ch, sc in loop, * (ch 3, sc in next loop) 12 times; ch 4, shell in next ch-2 sp, ch 2, shell in next ch-2 sp, ch 4, sc in next ch-3 loop. Repeat from * across to corner shell, ch 2, sk next ch-2, (shell in next sp, ch 2) 3 times; sc in next ch-3 loop and complete rnd to correspond. Join.

22nd rnd:  Sl st in next ch, sc in loop, (ch 3, sc in next loop) 11 times; ch 4, shell over shell, shell in ch-2 sp between shells, shell over shell, ch 4, sc in next ch-3 loop. Repeat from * across to corner shell, ch 2, (shell over shell, shell in next sp) twice and shell over shell; ch 2, sc in next ch-3 loop and complete rnd to correspond. Join.

23rd rnd:  Sl st in next ch, sc in loop, * (ch 3, sc in next loop) 10 times; ch 4, shell over shell, (ch 2, shell over shell) twice; ch 4, sc in next ch-3 loop. Repeat from * across to corner shell, (ch 2, shell over shell) 5 times; ch 2, sc in next ch-3 loop and complete rnd to correspond. Join.

24th rnd:  Sl st in next ch, sc in loop, * (ch 3, sc in next loop) 9 times; ch 4, shell over shell, (ch 3, shell over shell) twice; ch 4, sc in next ch-3 loop. Repeat from * across to corner shell, ch 2, (shell over shell, ch 3) 4 times and shell over shell; ch 2, sc in next ch-3 loop and complete rnd to correspond. Join.

25th rnd:  Sl st in next ch, sc in loop, * (ch 3, sc in next loop) 8 times; ch 4, shell over shell) 3 times; ch 4, sc in next ch-3 loop. Repeat from * across to corner shell, ch 2, (shell over shell, ch 4) 4 times and shell over shell; ch 2, sc in next ch-3 loop and complete rnd to correspond. Join.

26th rnd:  Sl st in next ch, sc in loop, * (ch 3, sc in next loop) 7 times; ch 4, shell over shell, ch 5, in sp of next shell make 2 dc, ch 7 and 2 dc; ch 5, shell over shell, ch 4, sc in next ch-3 loop. Repeat from * across to corner shell, ch 3, shell over shell, ch 5, in sp of next shell make 2 dc, ch 7 and 2 dc; ch 5, shell over corner shell, ch 5, in sp of next shell make 2 dc, ch 7 and 2 dc; ch 5, shell over shell, ch 3, sc in next ch-3 loop and complete rnd to correspond. Join.

27th rnd:  Sl st in next ch, sc in loop, * (ch 3, sc in next loop) 6 times; ch 4, shell over shell, ch 4, 20 tr in ch-7 loop, ch 4, shell over shell, ch 4, sc in next ch-3 loop. Repeat from * across to corner shell, ch 4, shell over shell, ch 4, 20 tr in next ch-7 sp, ch 2, shell over shell, ch 2, 20 tr in next ch-7 sp, ch 4, shell over shell, ch 4, sc in next ch-3 loop and complete rnd to correspond. Join.

28th rnd:  Sl st in next ch, sc in loop, * (ch 3, sc in next loop) 5 times' ch 4, shell over shell, ch 4, (tr in next tr, ch 1) 9 times and tr; ch 4, shell over shell, ch 4, sc in next ch-3 loop. Repeat from * across to corner shell, ch 2, shell over corner shell, sh 2, complete rnd to correspond. Join.

29th row:  Sl st in next ch, sc in loop, * (ch 3, sc in next loop) 4 times; ch 4, shell over shell, ch 4, sc in next ch-1 sp, (ch 3, sc in next ch-1 sp) 18 times; ch 4, shell over shell, ch 4, sc in next ch-3 loop. Repeat from * across to corner shell, ch 2, shell over shell, ch 2, sc in next ch-1 sp and complete rnd to correspond. Join.

30th rnd:  Sl st in next ch, sc in loop, * (ch 3, sc in next loop) 3 times; ch 4, shell over shell, ch 4, sc in next ch-3 loop, (ch 3, sc in next loop) 17 times; ch 4, shell over shell, ch 4, sc in next ch-3 loop. Repeat from * around, working over corners in established pattern and ending rnd as before.

31st rnd:  Sl st in next ch, sc in loop, * (ch 3, sc in next loop) twice; ch 4, shell over shell, ch 4, sc in next ch-3 loop, * (ch 3, sc in next loop) 16 times; ch 4, shell over shell, sc in next ch-3 loop. Repeat from * around, working over corners in established pattern. Join.

32nd rnd:  Sl st in next ch, sc in loop, * ch 3, sc in next loop, ch 4, shell over shell, ch 4, sc in next ch-3 loop, (ch 3, sc in next loop) 15 times; ch 4, shell over shell, ch 4, sc in next ch-3 loop. Repeat from * around, working over corners in established pattern. Join.

Note:  Increases at corners are always worked in the same manner. Work over corners in pattern as established.

33rd rnd:  Sl st in next ch, sc in loop, * ch 4, shell over shell, ch 4, sc in next ch-3 loop, (ch 3, sc in next loop) 14 times; ch 4, shell over shell, ch 4, sc in next ch-3 loop. Repeat from * around. Join.

34th rnd:  Sl st in next 4 ch and the following 2 dc, sl st in sp of shell, ch 3 (to count as dc), in same sp make dc, ch 2 and 2 dc; * ch 4, sc in next ch-3 loop, (ch 3, sc in next loop) 13 times; ch 4, shell over shell, ch 1, shell over shell. Repeat from * around, ending with ch 1. Join.

35th rnd:  Shell over shell, * ch 4, sc in next ch-3 loop; (ch 3, sc in next loop) 12 times; ch 4, shell over shell, shell in next ch-1, shell over shell. Repeat from * around, ending with shell in last ch-1. Join.

36th rnd:  * Shell over shell, ch 4, sc in next ch-3 loop, (ch 3, sc in next loop) 11 times; ch 4, (shell over shell, ch 1) twice. Repeat from * around. Join.

37th rnd:  * Shell over shell, ch 4, sc in next ch-3 loop, (ch 3, sc in next loop) 10 times; ch 4, (shell over shell, ch 2) twice. Repeat from * around. Join.

38th rnd:  Same as previous rnd, making 9 loops over pineapples and ch-3 (instead of ch-2) between shells.

39th rnd:  Same as previous rnd, making 8 loops over pineapples and ch-4 between shells.

40th rnd:  * Shell over shell, ch 4, make 7 loops over pineapple, ch 4, shell over shell, ch 5, in sp of next shell, make 2 dc, ch 7 and 2 dc; ch 5. Repeat from * around. Join.

41st rnd:  * Shell over shell, ch 4, make 6 loops over pineapple, ch 4, shell over shell, ch 4, 20 tr in next ch-7 sp, ch 4. Repeat from * around. Join.

42nd rnd:  * Shell over shell, ch 4, make 5 loops over pineapple, ch 4, shell over shell, ch 4, (tr in nest tr, ch 1) 19 times and tr; ch 4. Repeat from * around. Join.

43rd rnd:  * Shell over shell, ch 4, make 4 loops over pineapple, ch 4, shell over shell, ch 4, sc in next ch-1 sp, (ch 3, sc in next ch-1 sp) 18 times; ch 4. Repeat from * around. Join.

44th rnd:  * Shell over shell, ch 4, make 3 loops over pineapple, ch 4, shell over shell, ch 4, make 17 loops over pineapple, ch 4. Repeat from * around. Join.

45th rnd:  * Shell over shell, ch 4, make 2 loops over pineapple, ch 4, shell over shell, ch 4, make 16 loops over pineapple, ch 4. Repeat from * around. Join.

46th rnd:  * Shell over shell, ch 4, make 1 loop over pineapple, ch 4, shell over shell, ch 4, make 15 loops over pineapple, ch 4. Repeat from * around. Join.

47th rnd:  * Shell over shell, ch 4, sc in loop, ch 4, shell over shell, ch 4, make 14 loops over pineapple, ch 4. Repeat from * around. Join.

48th rnd:  * Shell over shell, ch 1, shell over shell, ch 4, make 13 loops over pineapple, ch 4. Repeat from * around making shell, ch 1 and shell in each corner shell. Join.


1st row:  Sl st in next dc and in sp, turn, shell over shell, ch 4, 12 loops over pineapple, ch 4, shell over shell. Ch 5, turn.

2nd rnd:  Shell over shell, ch 4, 11 loops over pineapple, ch 4, shell over shell. Ch 5, turn. Work in this manner, having 1 loop less over pineapple on each row until 1 loop remains. Ch 5, turn.

Next row:  Shell over shell, ch 4, sc in loop, ch 4, shell over shell. Ch 5, turn; (shell over shell) twice. Break off. Attach thread to first shell of next pineapple and complete in same manner. Continue thus until all pineapples are worked.


1st row:  Attach thread in ch-1 sp between shells (at base of points), sc in same place, ch 3, * shell in turning chain of next shell, ch 2. Repeat from * around pineapple, ch 3, sc in next ch-1 sp between shells (at base of pineapples), ch 3 and continue thus around. Join.

2nd rnd:  Sl st to center of next shell, ch 5, * sc in next ch-2 sp, ch 2, in sp of next shell make dc, ch 4, sc in 4th ch from hook, and dc; ch 2. Repeat from * aruond pineapple, ending with dc in sp of last shell, dc in sp of first shell on next pineapple, ch 2, sc in next ch-2 sp, ch 2, and continue thus around. Join and break off.

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