No. 7779 Giant Sunflower

A charming center, edged with Pineapple scallops (placemat).


J & P COATS BIG BALL BEST SIX CORD MERCERIZED CROCHET, ART., a104, SIZE 30:  : 3 balls of white Ecru or cream, or 4 balls of any color,; or

CLARKS BIG BALL MERCERIZED CROCHET, art., B.34, size 20 or 30; 3 balls of White, ecru, or cream, or 4 balls of any color.

Milwards Steel Crochet Hook  :No. 10.

Place doily measures 16" in diameter; Bread and butter doily measures 9" in diameter; glass doily measures 6" in diameter.

Place Doily...Starting at center, ch 10. Join with sl st to form ring.
1st rnd:  Ch 3, 23 dc in ring. Sl st in 3rd st of ch 3.
2nd rnd:  Ch 4, * dc in next dc, ch 1. Repeat from * around. Join last ch-1 with sl st to 3rd st of ch-4.
3rd rnd:  Ch 5, *dc in next dc, ch 2. Repeat from * around. Sl st in 3rd st of ch-5.
4th rnd:  Sc in next sp, * ch 5, sc in next sp. Repeat from * around, ending with ch 2, dc in first sc.
5th and 6th rnd:  * Ch 5, sc in next loop. Repeat from * around, ending with ch 2, dc in dc.
7th rnd:  Repeat the 6th rnd, ending with ch5, sl st in dc.
8th rnd:  Sl st in next loop, ch 3, 4 dc in same loop, 5 dc in each loop around. Join.
9th rnd:  * Ch 5, skip 2 dc, sc in next dc. Repeat from * around, ending with ch 2, dc at base of first ch-5 (40 loops).
10th to 13th rnds incl:  *Ch 5, sc in next loop. Repeat from * around, ending with ch 2, dc in dc.
14th rnd:  *Ch 5, sc in next loop. Repeat from * around. Join.
15th rnd:  Repeat 8th rnd.
16th rnd:  * (Ch 5, skip 2 dc, sc in next dc) 7 times; ch 5, skip 3 dc, sc in next dc. Repeat from * around, ending with ch 2, dc at base of starting ch-5 (64 loops).
17th to 22nd rnds incl:  Repeat 10th rnd.
23rd rnd:  Repeat 14th rnd.
24th rnd:  Repeat 8th rnd.
25th rnd:  Repeat 9th rnd skipping 3 dc (instead of 2) (80 loops).
26th to 29th rnds incl:  Repeat 10th rnd.
30th to 33rd rnds incl:  Repeat last rnd but make ch-6 loops on 30th and 31st rnds and ch-7 loops on 32nd and 33rd rnds.
34th rnd:  Repeat 14th rnd.
35th rnd:  Sl st in next loop, ch 3, in same loop make dc, ch 2 and 2 dc (shell made); in each loop around make 2 dc, ch 2 and 2 dc (another shell made). Join.
36th rnd:  Sl st in next dc and in next sp, ch 3, in same sp make dc, ch 2 and 2 dc; * ch 1, in sp of next shell make 2 dc, ch 5 and 2 dc; ch 1, shell in sp of next shell (shell made over shell), (ch 3, sc in sp of next shell) twice; ch 3, shell over shell. Repeat from * around. Join.
37th rnd:  Sl st in next dc and in next sp, ch 3 and complete shell, * 15 tr in next ch-5 sp, shell over shell, ch 3, (sc in next ch-3 sp) 3 times; ch 3, shell over shell. Repeat from * around. Join.
38th rnd:  * Shell over shell, (tr in next tr, ch 1) 14 times; tr in next tr, shell over shell, ch 1. Repeat from * around. Join.
39th rnd:  * Shell over shell, ch 2, sc in next ch-1 sp (between tr's), (ch 3, sc in next ch-1 sp) 13 times; ch 2, shell over shell. Repeat from * around. Join.
40th rnd:  * Shell over shell, ch 4, sc in next ch-3 loop, (ch 3, sc in next loop) 12 times; ch 4, shell over shell. Repeat from * around. Join.
41st rnd:  * Shell over shell, ch 4, sc in next ch-3 loop, (ch 3, sc in next loop) 11 times; ch 4, shell over shell. Repeat from * around. Join.

First Pineapple...
1st row:  Shell over shell, ch 4, sc in next ch-3 loop, (ch 3, sc in next loop) 10 times; ch 4, shell over shell. Ch 5, turn.
2nd row:  Shell over shell, ch 4, sc in next ch-3 loop, (ch 3, sc in next loop)9 times; ch 4, shell over shell. Ch 5, turn. Repeat the 2nd row, having 1 loop less on each row until 1 loop remains. Ch 5, turn.
Next row:  Shell over shell, ch 4, sc in next loop, ch 4, 2 dc in sp of next shell, ch 1, sl st in sp of last shell made, ch 1, 2 dc where last 2 dc were made. Ch 5, turn and sl st in joining of shells. Break off.

Second Pineapple...Attach thread in sp of next shell, ch 3, in same sp make dc, ch 2 and 2 dc; ch 4, sc in next ch-3 loop, (ch 3, sc in next loop) 10 times; ch 4, shell over shell. Ch 5, turn. Complete as for First Pineapple. Work other pineapples to correspond.

Edging...Attach thread to free loop at point, (ch 10, sc in next ch-5 loop) 5 times; * ch 5, sc between the 2 shells at base of points, ch 5, sc in next free loop, (ch 10, sc in next loop) 10 times. Repeat from * around. Join and break off.

Bread and Butter Doily...Work as for Place Doily until 7 rnds have been completed.
8th rnd:  Repeat 35th rnd of Place Doily (24 shells).
9th rnd:  Sl st in next dc and in next sp, ch 3, in same sp make dc, ch 2 and 2 dc; * ch 1, in sp of next shell make 2 dc, ch 5 and 2 dc; ch 1, shell in sp of next shell, ch 3, sc in sp of next shell, ch 3, shell over shell. Repeat from * around. Join.
10th rnd:  * Shell over shell, 15 tr in ch-5 sp, shell over shell, ch 2, (sc in next sp) twice; ch 2. Repeat from * around. Join. Complete Doily as for Place Doily, starting at the 38th rnd.

Glass Doily...Starting at center, ch 8. Join.
1st rnd:  Ch 3, 19 dc in ring. Join.
2nd, 3rd, and 4th rnds:  Repeat 2nd, 3rd, and 4th rnds of Place Doily.
5th rnd:&nbps; Ch 3, in last loop make dc, ch 2 and 2 dc; shell in each loop around (20 shells). Join.
6th rnd:  Repeat 9th rnd of Bread-and-Butter Doily.
7th rnd:  Repeat 10th rnd of Bread-and-Butter Doily, having 10 tr (instead of 15 tr) in each ch-5 sp.
8th rnd:  * Shell over shell, (tr in next tr, ch 1) 9 times; tr in next tr, shell over shell. Repeat from * around. Join.
9th rnd:  * Shell over shell, ch 2, sc in next ch-1 sp between tr's, (ch 3, sc in next ch-1 sp) 8 times; ch 2, shell over shell. Repeat from * around. Join.
10th rnd:  * Shell over shell, ch 4, sc in next ch-3 loop, (ch 3, sc in next loop) 7 times; ch 4, shell over shell. Repeat from * around. Join.

First Pineapple...
1st row:  Shell over shell, ch 4, sc in next ch-3 loop, (ch 3, sc in next loop) 6 times; ch 4, shell over shell, ch 5, turn. Complete as for First Pineapple of Bread and Butter Doily. Make other pineapples like this. Work edging as for other doilies, having 6 (instead of 10) ch-10 loops over each pineapple.

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