YOUR LAST CHAIN LETTER Congratulations! With this letter you receive a curse. You will never again be able to hold onto your money. You will find yourself very unattractive to the opposite sex. Supposing that somehow you're already married (hah!), you won't be for much longer. And if you have any more kids, they're going to need the most expensive braces on the planet. Which is bad, because as soon as you lose your job, you'll lose your health and dental coverage with it. In short, your life from here on will be quite miserable. Of course, like all chain letters, the way to dispel the curse is to pass this letter on! But this letter has slightly more stringent demands. Specifically, YOU MUST SEND THIS LETTER TO AT LEAST TWO PEOPLE WHO HAVE SENT YOU CHAIN LETTERS IN THE PAST. Got that? Well, there's more. Although the curse may seem to be gone once you've sent those letters, THE CURSE WILL RETURN - TWENTYFOLD - IF YOU EVER SEND ANOTHER CHAIN LETTER AGAIN. No matter what your excuse. So don't send any more chain letters, okay? If you're fretting about how you're now gonna get the curses from every chain letter that you get after this point, well don't. That's the upside of Your Last Chain Letter. It has a blessing as well as a curse. The annoying predictions of all those other chain letters no longer apply to you. You're free. YOU WILL NEVER HAVE TO SEND ANOTHER CHAIN LETTER AGAIN. So if you get a chain letter, just chuck it. Nothing will happen - you're immune. So send this back to those jerks who keep dumping these letters on you, and you'll never have to send another chain letter again. Comprende?